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"Entle, are you almost done?" T'Challa called as you stopped trying to squeeze into a pair of jeans.
You felt tears well in your eyes as you plopped onto the bench in your closet. You began to cry as you threw them into the pile of jeans onto the floor.

"Heyy, heyy, whats wrong? Why are you crying?" He kneeled infront of you and rubbed both of your shoulders. " none of my clothes fit," You sniffled.

You looked up at him wiping your eyes. "I'm so tired of being tired. I always ache, I'm hungry, or I'm crying because Shuri smiled at me. I look like a fat ugly blimp waddling around the palace," You cried into his shoulder.

"No you don't, you're glowing and beautiful Kaia. I'm so sorry babygirl, but it's almost over. Any day now." He kissed your temple before pulling back, "now let's find you something to wear to the party ok?" You sniffed as he got up and started looking through your dresses.
"Maybe I shouldn't go, I get too emotional and I have to pee every five minutes," you sighed as he flipped through your dresses.

"Nonsense," he said stopping at a certain dress. "Have you tried any flowy dresses Entle?" He called as he turned to you.

You shook your head no as he pulled one out for you. You haven't worn this one." He smiled at himself as he walks over.

"I don't even know if I should go

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"I don't even know if I should go..." You sniffle as he pulls you off the seat. Let's just try it on ok?" He says as he pulls your shirt off.

"I remember when you used to take my shirt off in awe, but now I'm just a blimp." You sob as he pulls your bra off too.

"Kaia stop it. You are still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. The only reason I don't take you where we stand is because, I promised my mother that we would be on time, and we're  already late" he kissed you before lifting the Dress over your head. "Ok, arms up, " he said as he slipped the dress over your head. He tied the back before smiling. "See, as beautiful as ever."

You kissed his cheek before wiping your face. "Thank you..."You whispered against his lips before kissing him and pulling on some shoes.

You reached for your foot before sitting up in tears again. "I can't even reach my own feet," you cried as you felt T'Challa sit beside you.

"Oh, Kaia I'm sorry," he pulled you into his side. He rubbed your back silently. "Let me see if I can help," you nodded as he reached down and grabbed your shoes for you.

Any day now," he said as he reached for your other foot. Suddenly every muscle in your stomach contracted. "Ahh," you yelled bending over a grabbing T'Challa's shoulder. You contorted your face in Pain as the contraction ran its course.

"Kaia!" He looked up at your face as you gritted your teeth. "What's wrong? What happened?" He searched our face as you began deep breathing to stay calm.

"I think I'm having contractions," you said in between breaths as his brown eyes widened in front of you.

"Hey, Hey," You cooed rubbing his cheek, " I'm good we don't need to worry until they get really close,10 minutes apart. " You stood up as he followed, " we've got some time,ok. So we are gonna go to this party, and say hello to all of these wonderful people. I'm gonna eat something, before I go into hours of labor with these two children." You pecked his cheek before waddling over to the door.

"Kaia are you sure. I can have them bring you food you need to rest." He argued as he walked over.

"No I'm the queen of this country now. My people haven't seen me in period since our wedding because I can't go out much, I'll be damned if they miss seeing me tonight because of a few contractions." He stared wearily at you. "20 min tops," he said as he shrugged on his coat.

"40," you argued as he walked over to you.
"30," he pointed grabbing your waist, you began to argue but he interrupted " and that's my final offer," he said silencing you on the matter.

"Fine,"you huffed.
"You coming or not?" He stared at you before grinning and opening the door. You kissed his cheek as you stepped out into the hall.

You smiled at all the Wakandans as you entered the dining hall. As you were walking around a little girl walked up to you and T'Challa. "I brought you the prettiest flower I could find," she smiled trying to curtsy. You smiled back at her before having T'Challa help you down to your knees. "I believe this is girl talk," you said to him. He laughed before shaking his head. "I'll leave then," he kissed your forehead before walking off.

"Ah this is the most beautiful flower I have ever seen!" You exclaimed making the little girl giggle. You both had an audience now as you leaned close to her, " but don't tell the king he'll be jealous." You giggled together as you pulled her in for a hug.

She shyly looked at the ground before looking up at you, " Can I touch the baby?" You smiled before taking her hand, just as she reached your stomach a contraction hit. You grimaced and let go of her hand. A man ran over and scolded her. "Liliamthwe, leave Her majesty alone I'm sure she has better things to do than....." you put your hand up silencing him.

"Please do not scold her. We were enjoying each other's company." You turned to the little girl. " I'm sorry for scaring you Liliamthwe. Would you like to feel the baby?"

By this time T'Challa has heard the commotion and ran back over to where you were. The little girl nodded shyly and you placed her hand where the twins were most active.

A grin lit up her fave as the baby kicked her hand you laughed as she stared up at you.
Suddenly you felt water run down your legs and you looked up at T'Challa.

"My King, it's time," the confusion on his face turned to panic as he lifted you off the ground.
"Liliamthwe I have to go now. But when can I see you again?" You smiled at the little girl as T'Challa called Okoye over.

"Anytime I'm not old enough for school yet, I could spend the night!" She exclaimed you laughed.

"Not tonight, I'll be too busy, but maybe next time. Then you can meet the babies," she nodded slightly disappointed before you kissed her forehead. You called Ayo over, "Ayo, please get this gentlemen's information and give it to T'Challa when he returns."

"Yes my Queen,"she made an x across her chest before leading the gentleman and Liliamthwe away across the room.

"You are amazing with kids," T'Challa smiled as you turned to him. You smiled before grimacing, " Well right now I have two fighting their way out of me." He caught you and began walking towards Shuri.

"Shuri," he interrupted her conversation with your brother, "we need a ship now," she turned around annoyed.

"Brother what could it possibly need a ship for?" She gasped when she saw the grimace on your face. Malik ran to your other side and helped T'Challa.

Shuri called a ship from her kimoyo beads before looking back at you. "It should be here soon. Go outside and wait I'll bring mother and your mother Kaia and your father and we'll meet you'll there. Now go! Based on your body scan Kaia, the kids aren't coming slowly." You nodded as T'Challa and your brother led you out of the ball room into the night.
I know I'm so mean, I left you on a cliff hanger. I hope you guys like Liliamthwe. Based on he addition to the plot line I'm going to keep the story going just a little bit longer. I've started on the imagines book. If anyone wants to make me a cover, that'd be great! If anyone wants to make a new cover for this book that'd be great as well! See you soon for next chapter. Coming Sunday! How many of y'all thought that Liliamthwe was the name of of one of their twins? Just curious.

By Bast Herself  (T'Challa Udaku) Where stories live. Discover now