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"My Favorite girls!" Liliamthwe squealed and ran over to the king. Kaia looked up from little Cebisa smiling as her husband pulled the little girl into his arms.

Cebisa cooed raising her arms towards her father. Kaia stood up and greeted her husband. "Hello," she smiled kissing his lips.

"Eww," Liliamthwe giggled. T'Challa and Kaia looked at each other and smothered her in kisses. "Stop it!" She laughed as T'Challa tickled her.

"I think someone is jealous," T'Challa whispered. The queen glanced at the baby rockers to find her son staring at his family. The king king grinned before striding over and grabbing his son out of the rocker.

"Good morning Daxulolo," he cooed at the little prince. The king quickly lost his self in playing with his son.

"T'Challa," she gently called to him nodding her head at Liliamthwe. The king glanced up before remembering. "Oh yes," he smiled joining his wife and the little girl.

"Liliamthwe,"The king called to the little girl. "Yes Kumkani," she replied walking over.

Kaia grabbed the little girl and pulled her in between the two royals. "Liliamthwe, would you like to live with us?" The king grabbed the little girl's other hand as the began walking down the hall.

"Like a sleepover?" The little girl cocked her head. The king smiled. "Yes, but a permanent sleep over. We would be your parents." T'Challa explained.

"I don't have parents right now," The little girl thought out loud. Kaia handed T'Challa Cebisa and kneeled down infront of the little girl.

"I know you don't. So the king and I want you to live with us. Because we love you and the twins. Do you want to live with us?" T'Challa squatted between the two females as Liliamthwe thought.

"I do want to like with you," The little girl nodded. "Then it's settled. Princess Liliamthwe," T'Challa nodded as he lead his family into the dining hall.

2 years later.

A pregnant Kaia sat peacefully in the garden stroking her stomach. The serenity was shattered as her seven year old daughter ran into the garden.

"Umama!" The little girl yelled. "Ndincede! Help me!" Kaia grinned as she saw her husband chasing her daughter through the garden.

"I'm coming for you Liliamthwe!" T'Challa yelled. Two year old Cebisa and Daxulolo toddled after their father and their sister.

Kaia laughed as they ran around the garden around her. Cebisa toddled over to her mother and laid her head on her lap.

The little family settled down and walked to the cliff together. Liliamthwe held her siblings hands walking in front of Kaia and T'Challa as the sun began to set.

The king helped his wife down into the grass and their children settled down into their laps. The married couple sighed as they watched the sunset together.

T'Challa leaned over and kissed Kaia's lips before turning back to the sunset. "I love you," Kaia whispered as their kids drifted off to sleep and Liliamthwe picked flowers.

"I love you too." T'Challa grinned as the sun slipped behind the mountains.


I hope you guys enjoyed this book. Thank you so much for reading and following this families journey. Please comment how it made you feel and what you thought of the ending. Posting another chapter on starlight later today so please check that out and it's new Cover!

By Bast Herself  (T'Challa Udaku) Where stories live. Discover now