You Got This

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Your mom and the queen took you to the gym training are. When you walked in T'Challa was traininb on the mats with w'Kabi. When he spotted you all he called out to wkabi, " I think that's all for today W'Kabi, thank you." With a quick bow and a smirk W'Kabi nodded and walked out of the gym.
"T'Challa walked over grabbing a towel, "hello, darling,"he smiled kissing your forehead. "To what do I owe this honor?"
Ramonda responded, "Kaia is a daughter or Bast," she and your mother grinned, " and we think we know her specialty." T'Challa stared at you bewildered, "Do you have any clue to what they mean?"
"nope I'm just as lost as you," you smiled and grabbed his hand.
"Ok Love birds, both of you grab a stick, and Kaia, you'll know what to do," your mom winked at you as T'Challa handed you a long bamboo pole.
"Have fun," Queen Ramonda chuckled as she and your mom walk out of the gym into the viewing area upstairs.
As you stood on the mats a voice came on the intercom, "T'Challa when the music starts I want you to go as hard against Kaia as you possibly can. If I'm right, Kaia won't hold back either."
"Mother are you sure?," T'Challa questioned.
"Your majesty, and mother I adore you both, but I have no training." You pleaded.
"Hush! Both of you! Kaia, trust me do what your heart tells you." You both quickly shut up and waited in silence. Soon a familiar track drifted out of the shadows.
(Start music)
"What has this got to do with anything?" But when the beat started every thing came naturally. You began to twirl the pole as your hips moved and twirled you around the mat.
"Kaia, what are you doing?" T'Challa questioned as your pupils dilated and were covered in Black like the fur of the Panther.
Soon at lightning speed the pole began flying at T'Challa. He dodged every attack as you continued around the mat. The movement was constant and repetitive. You leaped gracefully all over the mat artfully dogging each of his counter attacks. Soon you had T'Challa on his back. "I warned you soon his mom laughed as you helped him up. He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer. "I thought you had no training?,"
"I don't, you smirked as the music picked up.
"No poles this time," your mother called, " let's see how you are at hand to hand Kaia."
So you like the way I walk? Cause I walk with a vengeance.....
You sauntered around T'Challa wrapping your arms around his waist swaying to the music. You lifted his chin and stared into his eyes. As you leaned closer you slid your foot out from behind grabbing his arm and flipping Him onto the mat.
Bout time I show it,ahh.....
He groaned as you helped him up, "another round?" You smirked as you backed up.
"I've got you this time," he walked over and grabbed your waist. Swaying you both to the beat he pulled your back to him and kissed all around your neck and jaw. Lingering in certain places he broke your concentration and pinned you on the ground.
I can be bad if I want. I can say what I want........
"Finish him Kaia," your mom cheered.
You wrapped both legs around his waist grinding against him ever so slightly. When he leaned into you you threw yourself over and flipped positions.
I'm a grown woman and I Know that I got it....
You offered him a hand and pulled him up and close. You blew on his ear before whispering, " I like to finish, standing up," you whispered.  You backed up and threw a kick at him before he caught it and pulled you into a standing split against him. "Look at you all open for me," he smirked.
Look down got you so excited....I really wanna know if you got it like that, cause you got a cute face and a booty so fat....

You reached up and caressed his face before elbowing him in the gut. And flipping over his shoulder wrapping your thighs around his neck and flipping him to the ground. Landing on top You straddled him as the song faded out.
"You play dirty," he whispered as you lay on top of him out of breath.
"I'm a grown woman," you winked. You stood up and grabbed his hand kissing his soft lips. You melted into the kiss. 
"Before you crazy kids forget we're here, we're gonna go," your mom laughed through the microphone, " Kaia we'll start training tomorrow, Ramonda will teach you the country's traditional dances and I'll be your combat training teacher along with Okoye. We'll start late tomorrow."
"Wait why?" You asked. Shuri finished for your mom, " I think my brother plans to give out a workout of his own tonight," you could feel the smirk as they left the viewing area and you turned to find T'Challa right behind you.
"I'm afraid she's quite right,"he smirked, " I have to punish you.."
"For what," you smiled.
"No one beats the king and gets away," he said as he moved closer to you.
When your back touched the wall you stared him in the eyes, " Don't they get rewarded sometimes?,"
"Depends, on how you feel tomorrow morning," he smirked. You squealed as picked you up and began running to his room. He slammed the door to his room and pushed you against the wall. He leaned down to kiss you then pulled back every time you closer the gap. Finally he pressed his lips to yours igniting every nerve ending in your body. Your hands were everywhere. In his hair along his back on his jaw. You couldn't get enough of him.
" Jump!," he growled and you obeyed wrapping your legs around his waist he began running his hands all over stopping and squeezing your butt. Kneading then he suddenly slapped one, then the other. " T'Challa," you groaned into his neck. "Not yet pretty girl,"he chuckled. He pulled your tank over your head. He pushed both of his hands into your workout leggings and you moaned against his lips as they found yours. He quickly turned you into a panting, moaning mess as he gently ground his hand against your center. He ran a finger back and forth through your folds gently pressing against your opening. "'Challa, please," you moaned as he teased you by pressing the very tip of his finger into your heat. "What do you need entle?," he teased pushing his finger in just a little more. "Oh god," you strained as he placed the tip of another finger into your heat.
"Tell me entle, what do you want?," he cooed. Pushing in just a bit farther. "You!" You screamed as he pushed both fingers all the way in.

Ok so I'm gonna stop there and give y'all some privacy. But y'all all know what went down. I'll see you in the morning hope you enjoyed this story. A picture of your workout wear is attached above. Night!

By Bast Herself  (T'Challa Udaku) Where stories live. Discover now