Can I Do This?

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It had been two days since you woke up. You immediately felt better when taking your vitamins and drinking more water. Though one question was killing you. Were you pregnant?
The question had been keeping you up all night. You were semi grateful that T'Challa had been busy lately as it gave you time to think.
You weren't sleeping well and you knew he'd be worried. You were up all hours of the night, and rarely slept at all. The worry had taken over your life, you knew you needed help.
You stumbled down the hall to the women's room looking for your mother. You decided at least one person needed to know because you needed a support system, and so did your child worse case scenario.
As you opened the door to the women's room you found your mother and Queen Ramonda laughing together on the couch.
As both women looked up you broke down in tears at the door.
"Kaia," Your mother called as she Ramonda rushed over to you. You leaned into yourself as they both hugged you.
"Sweet Girl what's wrong?" The Queen asked when your tears quieted.
"How does T'Challa feel about kids?" You mumbled finally looking up at them.
You're moms eyes widened as the queen looked confused. "Are you pregnant?" Your fear stuck in your throat as you nodded yes. A huge grin spread across the queen's face as she wrapped you up in a hug. "Oh my darling girl," she sang as she squeezed you tighter.
"Let me have my turn Ramonda," Your mother laughed as she pulled you in for a hug. "My baby is having a baby," she squealed.
"You guys aren't upset?" You asked staring up at them. "Why should we be? That's our grandchild you're carrying and he will be loved 20 times over." Your mother grabbed one hand as the Queen grabbed the other. " this may be a huge palace but as long as I've been here it has overflowed with love. That is the way it will always be. For we are a family of love," she placed both her hands and your hand on your stomach, " and this family you and T'Challa are starting right now, is born out of the love you two carry for each other. So this family that is the next ruling generation, you are love." She accented the last three words and tears burned behind your eyes as you nodded with her.
"What will T'Challa say?" you asked as everyone finished crying.
"Only one person can answer that sweetheart," Your mother pointed out to the gardens where T'Challa stood with Shuri laughing about something. He wrapped his arm Shuri as they walked back into the palace.
"I don't want to tell him just yet. The doctor still has some tests to run," you said as you turned away from the window.
"Is their a stigma attached to the king conceiving a child outside of wedlock?" You asked Queen Ramonda. She searched your face, " if you're asking how T'Challa will respond, I can't answer that. But I strongly believe he will be just as over the moon as we are. But there is one reaction I can speak for, the people will be ecstatic," she smiled as she grabbed both of your hands. "I would announce it on your wedding day. They will be thrilled at the announcement. A new marriage and an heir to the throne all in one day." Your mother nodded in agreement, " but Kaia, do whatever the doctor tells you, our family has a history of difficult births. It's not just your baby at risk. It is your country's as well." You nodded as your mother hugged you again.
"How are you going to tell everyone else," the women asked as they linked arms with you as you walked towards the dining area for lunch.
"I don't know yet, but I'm going to wait for all the test results. I just needed to talk to someone. I haven't been able to sleep or eat." You sighed. "I'm glad you told us, but your body is not just yours. Make sure you get your sleep and food, so that baby does too." Your mother said as you stood at the doors.
" I know mama, you smiled as the Queen walked in first. You followed and your mother brought up the rear. T'Challa was already seated at the head talking animatedly with Shuri about something. "I simplify amplified the redistribution of kinetic energy throughout your suit so that it goes out with the max amount of power since we can't create or destroy matter, or energy in this case." Shuri explained as she held back her giggles.
"It would have been nice to know before I kicked it full force." You laughed as Shuri finally broke down laughing.
"Hello my love," you giggled as you kissed his head and sat next to him.
"Not you too," he smiled as all the women erupted all over the table. "For Bast's sake, are you all finished?" He asked as everyone composed themselves.
"I'll be hosting a video screening after lunch if you are interested Kaia," Shuri laughed as the drinks were served. When the wine was brought out you nodded no thank you at the server who poured a glass of water instead.
T'Challa raised an eyebrow, " Kaia, you ok? You never turn down wine," he whispered worry creasing his eyebrows. "I'm fine, the doctor said I needed to drink more water," you lied, he nodded and resumed the conversation. As time passed on the conversation flowed naturally around the table as each course was served. After dinner a server brought you a small gummy vitamin. You smiled and said a thank you before turning back to the table.
"I need more men in this house," T'Challa joked. You almost choked on your water as your mother and Queen Ramonda shot each other looks. "A son?" You croaked. T'Challa and Shuri stared at you all bewildered.
"I was thinking your father and Brother would be here quicker," he said, " all you alright?" He asked. You nodded as Queen Ramonda and your mother both breathed sighs of relief. " I didn't think you wanted a child soon," he said as you both walked out of the dining room together. "Maybe my wants have changed,"you said while rubbing your hand along the front of his embroidered tunic. He grabbed both of your hands.
"Maybe we can practice later tonight." He grinned as you walked down the hall, " I've missed you," You nudged his shoulder playfully. "Don't push your luck Romeo," you both laughed as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
Yay!! One more chapter until the wedding. I'm they type of writer who can't wait to give y'all the next chapter so I'm just gonna write when I have a story. Comment to let me know what you think. Vote! And I hope you enjoyed.

By Bast Herself  (T'Challa Udaku) Where stories live. Discover now