The Tonight Show

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"Ladies and Gentleman Our Next guest is a Queen by her own right and by marriage. Please put your hands together for Her Majesty Queen Kaia Udaku."
You walked out onto the stage smiling. You waved at all the people as you walked towards Jimmy on the stage. You blew kisses to the audience before finally sitting in the chair closest to jimmy.
"Hello," you smiled slightly dragging out the word as you settled your skirt down.
"Hi, you look breathtaking as usual,"he complimented.
"Thank you. I try. Seriously though, Thank you for having me." You smiled.
"No thank you for coming. Now I understand you're here on business?" Jimmy asked.
"Yes, I can't say what for obvious reasons but I'm here with T'Challa on business, but since we received a few invitations," you started.
"A few?" Jimmy laughed and you followed shortly. "Ok we were invited to a lot of tv shows to do interviews so we decided to choose a few shows and do them." You finished explaining.
"Ok so About two weeks ago you had your baby shower," You nodded , "oh no," you laughed. "I'm guessing you know what's coming, "he laughed. You nodded.
"Well video clips of 'The God Parents Game' as I'm hearing it was called went viral. In the clip you are reading the question and your friends including your sister in law Princess Shuri, have to guess the night that your child was conceived. Care to Elaborate?" Jimmy grinned as you shook your head laughing.
"Umm, so T'Challa and I get back from our honeymoon and my mom has flown in to be with me for the last 3 months of pregnancy. I thought that was my surprise in all honesty then she's like no there's another surprise. So T'Challa is carrying me, looking like a blimp and all," jimmy laughs, " You could never look like a blimp, look at how long you his that baby bump," you laughed before continuing. " So were walking into the courtyard and there's all of these people. So we start playing the games and I go up to read and the card is like 'guess which night the baby was conceived' and I am dying inside because Michelle and Barack Obama, Oprah, and Beyoncé and Jay Z, and countless other people I adore like Alicia Keys and SZA, are just sitting there, dying laughing. In my head I'm like I thought becoming a queen would make me less awkward," you explain as everyone starts laughing.
"What did T'Challa do?" Jimmy asks.
"That man just laughed, did absolutely nothing," You smiled at Jimmy.
"What were the choices?" Jimmy said as everything settled back down.
"Umm it was like Training Day, The final Battle, and Celebration night, but I'm not telling you the answer," the audience started laughing.
"Fair enough, but at this point it's clear enough that you were pregnant before you married His Majesty King T'Challa, am I correct," you nodded at him, " What was that like for you, because you two aren't a normal couple," he leaned In intently.
"No you're absolutely right we aren't a normal couple in the public's eye by any long shot of imagination." You laughed. "No no, y'all are the most normal couple I know. Yeah most people marry the king of a rich country, no big deal," Jimmy joked as you continue laughing. "We have to balance our lives and our country's life So for me personally I was terrified, honestly my first thought was oh my god, what if he can't marry a pregnant woman." Everyone including yourself laughed, " no im serious though, that was a legitimate concern for me cause that could've ended my engagement. And he was off on business, because this was right after we got engaged and I wasn't Queen so I could not travel with him yet, so that was three months of me being alone leading up to our wedding. So on FaceTime I was calm, but I was freaking out. There's a lot to having a royal baby, you've got the elders and the country's peoples opinion and traditional rules so I was petrified. Unwed and carrying the king's child."
"Well we wanted to get your husbands opinion so we thought we'd surprise you, please welcome His Majesty King T'Challa Udaku of Wakanda,"
You smiled as T'Challa walked from behind the curtains and bowed at the audience. You tried to get up but he rushed over and sat you back down. He sat next to you and leaned over and kissed you.
"Awww," Jimmy joked as you grinned. "So what's it like newly weds?" Jimmy asked as T'Challa settled in.
"It's been great honestly, it's kind of like being able to settle back into life without people being like when are you getting married." Everyone laughed as T'Challa grinned.
"Yeah I mean it's kind of like this big sigh of relief like, I'm not just the girlfriend anymore. He's stuck with me," You grin.
"So I understand in Wakanda the king's girlfriend essentially, had a royal title? I say had because I'm assuming there won't be another girlfriend after this one," You raise and eyebrow a T'Challa as he starts laughing. "I better be the last one." He grinned," Drfinitely, but, yes yes we do, and Kaia hates the title. She literally asked me to change it an hour after we started dating," you rolled your eyes. "It's a low key offensive title," you protested.
"Care to explain?" Jimmy asked clearly intrigued.
"So the title is King's Main Consort, consort being... you know." T'Challa explained as jimmy laughed.
"I was basically given the title of royal booty call," you joked. "So I was like he wants me to live with him so the least he could do is change the the title you know." You shrugged as jimmy laughed.
"Ok so our last question before we play a game is a viewer question I just received. So someone in the audience would like for you to explain the names of the nights in the god parents game question." He said before turning back to you.

"Ok so Training day is probably the easiest," T'Challa started as you nodded. "Kaia and I decided to train together so in training you learn combat and fighting styles, so Kaia is the only person in the whole country who's ever beaten me. So one day training got particularly charged and I'll leave it there you know," he grinned as you blushed. Jimmy smiled as everyone focused on you. "So I think the next one was scavenger hunt night?" Jimmy nodded as you continued, " so I hadn't seen T'Challa in a while and he felt bad that he was busy so he left me this note on the bed one morning that was like I'm taking you out tonight so eat breakfast and get dressed my sister and mom and your friends are taking you shopping all day. And while we were shopping I got this really cute dress and surprised him and yeah." You blushed.
"And the final battle was kind of like training day but I hadn't seen her in a month cause she was in the states finishing school and getting ready to move to Wakanda permanently. We fought to blood on the dance floor by Michael Jackson and it got really heavy. Then I proposed and it just got even more heated." He laughed remembering your face.
"Oh I made this really weird face cause I thought he was joking so he could win." You laughed.
"Well we've certainly enjoyed talking with you both. Ladies and Gentlemen don't go anywhere when we come back the newlyweds will play the newlyweds game royalty edition." Jimmy said as he began talking to T'Challa. You waved at the audience as you went to commercial.
I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!  Babies?? Next chapter? Who knows. If I think of another filler maybe not but who knows. See you then. Feedback and comments please. Votes and follows are very much appreciated. And follow so you know when I update this book and the Chadwick and next black panther fanfic I do.

By Bast Herself  (T'Challa Udaku) Where stories live. Discover now