Accidents Happen

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Your p.o.v.

Knowing Castiel has been the best part of your life. You learned so much about angels and heaven, and you even met God himself. That was the day that many angels, including Castiel, had actually met God. It was exciting to have God and the angels watching you and Castiel, and watching your relationship progress. Sometimes it had been awkward, because the angels want you to have children with him, but you can understand why they're eager. It's just a cool experience to have the angels on your side.

You were sitting in the main room of the bunker, at the table with that map inside of it. There was a book about angels on your lap, and you were skimming through the pages. Since you had recently met God and other angels, you decided to do research on them. Most of the information was repetitive, so you were just looking at the pictures in the book while bouncing your pen against the table. You sighed and set your pen down loudly. "It's so freaking boring here!" You yelled to no one in particular. You heard wings flapping and you leaned back in your chair.

"Hello Y/N." Cas said and you smiled softly.

"Hi Cas." You said quietly and you slumped in your chair. You let air out of your nose and stood up. "I'm gonna get some fresh air." You stated and Cas nodded. You walked up the metal staircase and stepped outside. The cool morning air hit your face and you sighed contently. You started walking down the road with your hands in your pockets. You walked over to a tree and leaned against it. Castiel appeared in front of you and you jumped. "Jeez Cas!"

"I apologise Y/N." Cas said guiltily and you waved him off.

"You're fine Cas. What do you need?" You asked and he smiled.

"You've been walking for over an hour Y/N." Cas explained and your eyes widened.

"Really? I didn't even notice." You were surprised that you had been walking that long. "Well, I guess you can zap us back." He nodded and put two fingers on your forehead. You appeared in front of the bunker and Cas went inside and walked down the stairs. You followed but you lost your balance and tumbled down the metal staircase. When you stopped at the bottom you screamed from the pain and started sobbing. Cas rushed over to you and knelt down.

"Y/N! Are you alright?" You shook your head, still sobbing, and he picked you up bridal style, carrying you to your bedroom. He laid you down on your bed and you calmed down a bit.

"It h-hurts Cas." You said quietly and he nodded.

"I know love, I know." He sat down next to you and placed two fingers on your forehead. A warm feeling spread throughout your body. When it finished you sighed and hugged Cas.

"I'm so sorry. I'm really clumsy." You apologized and Cas shook his head.

"No, love, it's alright. You're okay now right?" You nodded and he kissed your forehead. "I love you." You giggled while grabbing his hand, lacing your fingers together.

"I love you more." You said and you leaned up, kissing him passionately. He kissed back immediately and you had a tongue war until you ran out of air. You pulled away and rested your forehead against his. You kept your eyes closed and you stayed there silently.

"You're eyelashes are beautiful." Cas said and you opened your eyes. You looked at him and smiled.

"Thank you my angel." You looked into his blue eyes and grinned widely. "This relationship is working well. I hope it never has to end." You stated and Cas smiled.

"We are soulmates, love, this relationship should never end." Castiel explained and you nodded. You thought about how much you've grown to love him, even though you hadn't known him for that long. You smiled and he tilted his head. He nodded and you tilted your head. "I've grown to love you as well, love." You smiled because he read your mind.

"I know it's weird, but I like it when you read my mind." You said and he smiled slightly and nodded. "I like it when you know what I'm going through and how I'm feeling." You laughed nervously and he smiled.

"That means that we really do have a special bond. Would you feel that way if I was someone else?" He asked and you shook your head.

"No, because then it would be weird and uncomfortable. I would feel awkward if Sam or Dean read my mind." You paused. "I let you though, because I'm not hiding anything from you." You stated truthfully and he nodded but tilted his head.

"Why would you keep secrets from Sam and Dean?" He asked innocently.

"I love them and all, but I just need to keep some things to myself." You explained and he nodded.

"I understand. Why do you tell me?"

"You deserve to know. You are my soulmate." You giggled at his innocence and he smiled, remembering about your bond with him. "And I trust you." You looked at your hands nervously while blushing.

"I appreciate that you tell me everything. Sam and Dean don't tell me everything, because they believe that keeping secrets will help them, when in the end, it doesn't." Cas explained and you nodded.

"Yeah. They pretty much keep everything from me. It's like they don't trust me. Just because I used to hunt alone, doesn't mean I can't keep a secret." You said and Cas could tell you were annoyed. He grabbed your hands and rubbed circles on them. You looked up and smiled at his ocean blue eyes.

"They're just trying to keep you safe, Y/N. They understand how you feel, and they don't want you to get hurt." Cas said lovingly and you smiled sweetly.

"Thank you, Cas." You said and he tilted his head.

"For what?" He asked calmly and you smiled.

"For everything. You really understand my needs and you know how to make me feel happier. You're just... I don't know... Almost perfect because nobody's perfect." You said and he smiled softly.

"Only my father's perfect." Cas stated and you nodded. There was a knock on the door and you both looked up. Dean was standing in the doorway.

"You okay Y/N? You took a pretty good fall." He chuckled and you smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah. Cas healed me. I'm good." You said quietly and he nodded. Sam came up behind him and smiled at you.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked jokingly and you giggled. You gave him a thumbs up and he nodded. Sam and Dean both bursted into laughter and held onto their stomachs. You put your face in your hands and they walked away, their booming laughter heard from down the hall. You felt your face turn hot while you held your face in your hands. You looked up at a worried Castiel looking at you.

"When you think it can't get any worse, it gets so much worse." You said and you put your hands behind your head while keeping your head down. Cas walked over hand wrapped his arms around you comfortingly.

"It's okay, love. Accidents happen." He said quietly and you smiled.

"I know Cas. Thank you." He nodded and you hugged him back. He kissed your forehead and you sighed contently. "This is why I don't want you to leave. I know I'll embarrass myself, and you won't be there to help me through it." You said sadly and he squeezed you tighter.

"I won't leave Bumble Bee. I promise." He said and he pulled away. "There are other reasons why I won't leave as well." You furrowed your eyebrows and he grabbed your wrists. He rolled your sleeves up and investigated the cuts. "These." You sighed and turned your head.

"Cas that was a while ago. I haven't cut since I've been here." You said and he nodded.

"I know, I just can't live with the thought of you cutting again." He told you sadly and you cupped his face with your hands and kissed him passionately.

"I won't cut again. I promise I'll call for you first before I do." You said while resting your forehead against his. He sighed and nodded slowly.

"I love you Bumble Bee."

"I love you too my angel."

Hey guys! This chapter was cute. I just wanted to have an emotional, sorta, chapter for you guys. I hope you liked it! Please comment and vote. Thank you!

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