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The song above reminds me of Cas... Every time I hear I think about how a relationship with Cas would really be like. *giggles guiltily* Carry on.

Your p.o.v.

You were peacefully sleeping in your bed after that "hunt" you had done with Cas and Skylar, when you were awoken by someone's calloused fingers stroking the side of your face. Your eyes fluttered open and you saw a pair of blue eyes looking at you. You smiled and stretched your entire body making cute noises accidentally. Somehow, even after birthing a Nephilim, you still had that childish side of you. But Cas loved it so you continued to do silly and cute things purposefully and accidentally. Cas smiled and sat on the bed on your side, still looking at you lovingly with that beautiful smile on his face.

"Good morning Bumble Bee." Cas said and you smiled at the nickname.

"You haven't called me that in a while." You said and he nodded. "Good morning baby."

"I have a surprise for you, but you're going to have to get dressed." He said and you nodded, still smiling. "Just dress in something casual." He explained and you nodded.

"Alright." You stood up and dressed in a casual, comfortable outfit.

You brushed your teeth and left your hair down. You skipped wearing makeup, since Cas liked you better without makeup, and walked out of the bathroom, only to find Cas sitting on the bed waiting for you. Once he saw you his eyes lit up and he stood up, smiling.

"Are you ready?" He asked and you nodded.

"What are we doing?" You asked and he chuckled.

"It's a surprise." He said and you sighed. It was always a surprise, wasn't it? "I know. But you'll like it." He said and you nodded deciding on trusting Cas rather than trying to find out what it was.

You started following him happily, pretty much skipping, when he turned around and stopped you.

"Close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you to open them." He said and you nodded, closing your eyes tightly to save the surprise.

You felt him place his hand on your shoulder and you took a deep breath knowing what he was planning on doing. You felt pressure on your entire body for a few seconds, but it went away as soon as it had appeared. You knew you were somewhere else, but you fulfilled your promise by keeping your eyes closed.

"I'm going to guide you through this okay?" Cas explained sweetly and you nodded. "I won't let you fall." You felt him grab your shoulders from behind and push you softly. You took a few steps, but you felt yourself become tense. "It's okay. I've got you." Cas said and your tenseness lessened quite a bit. "Just a little bit farther." He said and he wasn't lying. You arrived to your destination within a few more minutes.

"Open your eyes in three, two, one, open!" Cas exclaimed and you opened your eyes. You were in a grassy area with fairy lights wrapped tightly around the trees. There was a small pond and a white carpet laid out in between rows of white chairs. There was a platform at the end of the rug in front of the chairs. But, the best part of it was Sam, Dean, Skylar, and Aria were all standing in front of you and Cas, wearing formal outfits. Skylar and Aria were wearing beautiful dresses, and Sam and Dean were wearing tuxedos. You looked at Cas, who was wearing the suit he had always worn under his trench coat, but the trench coat was gone. Cas smiled and draped his trench coat over your shoulders. You looked down and you were wearing the wedding dress that your wore when the angels had met you. You smiled and looked around, still trying to figure out what it was.

"Do you know what it is?" Cas asked like he read your mind and you shook your head. Cas disappeared but reappeared at the end of the white carpet standing on the platform. A priest appeared and you furrowed your eyebrows.

"What is thi--" You gasped and looked around once again. "I'm getting married!" You yelled and Cas nodded while smiling.

Sam, Dean, and Aria walked over to stand beside Cas and he smiled. You smiled widely, but your smile widened when all of the chairs became filled because the angels had appeared and filled every chair there was. A few extra people appeared and they all had instruments. They all started to play a slowed instrumental version of Baby Girl by SMNM. You smiled, again, and Skylar grabbed a basket full of flower petals. She skipped down the aisle, softly tossing petals across the white carpet. Cas waved for you to walk down the aisle, and that's exactly what you did. Once you reached the end, you realized that the "priest" was God. You smiled and took Castiel's hands in yours prepared to start the ceremony.

Once the ceremony was over you and Cas kissed, like all the other ceremonies, and walked down the aisle in the opposite direction. Cas used his grace to change your dress into a better fitting one for dancing and you smiled. He took his blazer off and rolled his sleeves up. He took his tie off as well and he looked sexy as hell. He took you over to an empty patch of grass as all of the guests followed and you smiled.

"I know you're not fond of dancing formally." He said and you nodded. He winked at you and tackled you in a hug that knocked you to the ground. You giggled seeing that he was on top of you, so you rolled him over and kissed his nose.

"I think you missed." He said about your kiss and you giggled.

"My mistake." You crashed your lips onto his and he kissed back immediately. Once you pulled away you collapsed onto his chest and wrapped your arms around his torso. He wrapped his arms tightly around you in return. You used your grace to place his trench coat on top of both of you. You both sighed contently and you relaxed in his arms.

"I love you. Forever and Always." He said and you smiled knowing that it was true.

"I'm not going to say it back because you already know how much I have and always will love you." You stated and he smiled wider than he ever had before. At this moment, he knew. He knew that he would stay with you forever, that he would never hurt you or forsake you. He knew that he would give up everything for you, to have you by his side and to love you. He knew that he loved you more than his brothers and sisters, more than heaven, more than creation, and more than bees. And he knew that you loved him back, and that you loved him as much as he loved you. He knew.

The End

Hey guys! This story is finished! Oh my god that was a really fun story to write. My Lord. I hope you guys liked this story and I apologize if you never wanted it to end. But a good story always has to come to an end. I will probably end up writing either another Misha Collins fanfiction with the reader inserted, or a Castiel fanfiction with an OC. I haven't decided yet. I love every single one of you! Feel free to message me anytime if you ever want to talk. Thank you so much! You guys are the best! Bye!

The Protective Angel (Castiel x Reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now