Chapter Two

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"We thank you, Father, for the time we have here. Let us use this as a time of communion to celebrate you."

As the pastor droned monotonously on, Pandora shifted on the uncomfortable wooden bench. She clasped her sweaty palms in her lap, fidgeting. She didn't feel entirely at ease here, but after leaving the hospital that Sunday afternoon, she thought there was a chance something spiritual might help her and Charlotte's situation. Maybe, if there was a God, he would help her find a solution to her dilemma with Raven. After all, there has to be a good side to all this evil... right?

As the crowd stood up to sing, Pandora joined them, rising stiffly to her feet. Instead of singing, however, she prayed. She bent her head and concentrated.

Please help this situation I'm in. Please give me a sign... I either give a demon my soul, or my sister dies. I only have a short time to think about this, which makes it worse. What do I do? How do I even solve this?

She ended her prayer and waited, focusing, hoping something would come about to guide her. When the last bits of music died at the end of the hour, and nothing at all had happened to lead her in the right direction, she hung her head and sighed.

Maybe, if I talk to the pastor? She looked around at the crowd and saw him standing near the short, polished wooden podium on the stage, talking to a group of lively people. She made her way over to them and delayed on the outskirts of the bunch, wringing her hands. What will he say to my situation? Should I tell him everything, or just part of it? I don't want anyone to think I'm crazy.

As she stood and anxiously waited her turn, she sensed a thick fog creeping into her subconscious and covering her, as if a cloud of inky smoke had filled her being. She shook her head briskly to clear the clinging feeling, but to no avail. What's going on? She felt her heart start to race, and in her mind she saw Raven's ethereal face. She attempted to shift her focus away from the demon, but it felt impossible. Each time she tried, her thoughts rebounded back to the being's dark smirk.

As the last person passed away from the pastor, he turned to her and gave a friendly smile. His lengthy brown beard wobbled as he spoke. "Hello, my child, I haven't seen you here before. What brings you to our humble church?"

She opened her mouth to answer, but no words came. She felt then as if taloned hands placed themselves gently upon her shoulders. She blushed as she felt the sensation of one running across her chest and down her body. Embarrassed, she turned and hurried away from the pastor. She heard him calling out after her, but she kept her pace and left the church.

Leaning against the wall of the building outside, she began to pant as she felt the phantom hand continue gently stroking up and down the length of her torso, over her soft breasts and down her sides. She'd never been one for anything sexual, but for some reason she welcomed this. She had always felt she would be ready in the right situation, but this couldn't be right... could it? She colored even more as she felt a sudden touch between her legs.

I'm... outside of a church... what is going on? Why do I want this? Pandora gulped as she saw people pass her, giving her questioning looks. She smiled weakly at them, hoping to dissuade any questions. As they walked by, she heard a familiar achromatic voice in her head.

"You will never be free of me, Pandora. The only choice you have is whether to save your sister as you give me your soul, or let her die by my hand and yet still owe me your soul. It's mine either way, I've decided it."

"But... why me?" Pandora whispered to the voice, looking around to make sure no one else was listening.

She felt Raven smirk darkly. "I have my reasons. You don't need to know them. Just know your soul is mine, and I will take it. Give it to me, now or in two days. There is no escape."

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