Demon's Game

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"I could rip your flesh from your bones. I asked for your complete obedience. Do you really think you can defy me?" Raven stared deep into the lesser demon's eyes. His body shook under the realization that he was trapped in her inescapable gaze, her powers ebbing and flowing around his form like an electrical current.

"N-No Raven..."

Raven's nostril's flared. "What did you call me?"

"Sorry! Queen Raven..." The demon longed to avert his gaze, seeing horror beyond what he had ever inflicted upon any mortal in her liquid onyx orbs, but he couldn't even blink. The blistering air filtered through the open windows around them, stinging his eyes.

Pandora sat in an ornate blue stone chair to the left of Raven. The dim light from around the throne room made the lapis lazuli glint a vibrant cobalt, a stark contrast to the stormy gray bricks of the throne room walls. It would be terribly uncomfortable if not for the thick velvet padding on top of the seat. Pandora shifted, unsettled, watching Raven tear a thick strip of flesh off the demon's arm with her dark talons. The tendons were visible underneath, his black blood falling to the floor as he screeched in agony. His small wings trembled as he collapsed and crumpled at her feet, scales clattering against the floor.

Raven rose from her dark obsidian throne, standing tall over the crimson-scaled demon. "Next time, maybe you'll listen to what I request of you." She looked down at him apathetically. "You may leave. Try not to track blood on the floor on your way out."

The demon scurried away, clutching his injured arm to his chest. Raven turned her head towards Pandora, crooking a finger at her. "Come, my goddess. Sit with me." She patted her lap and Pandora walked obediently over to her.

She felt the familiar haze overwhelm her, bringing sensations that sunk through her very pores. She was unable to think of anything but the inky demon as she settled herself on Raven's thigh. The demon traced her sharp talons over Pandora's legs, trailing the blood of the previous scaly being in ornate, spiraling patterns. Pandora looked at it in sorrow, beginning to object, but the words stilled in her throat as she felt pleasure slide deep into her core. Inhaling sharply, she felt as if every inch of her was aflame with indulgence.

I'm never able to resist her... I think about objecting to what she does here, but I just... can't. Something always stops me and pulls me to her, no matter how horrifying her acts are. I'm tied to her, at her mercy.

She arched her back, her curly red hair cascading over Raven's shoulder like crimson fire. Giving in, she pressed the hand Raven was trailing on her thigh between her legs, groaning in pleasure as the demon slid it sensuously down her center.

At that moment, Cyrus walked in, a small grin spreading his skull apart. His teeth clacked as he talked, and his dark blue skin shimmered, catching the light in mystifying patterns. Raven sighed, stilling her movements and resting her eyes upon him in annoyance. "What is it, Cyrus? Can it wait?"

"I'm afraid not, my Queen. Your servants are here with news on Bael."

"Send them in." Raven straightened, sitting up regally. Her unblinking gaze settled on the doorway, awaiting the news from the spies she had sent to follow Bael in his escape.

Pandora shifted, attempting to leave the demon's lap, but Raven clasped her hands firmly around the girl's waist. Her black orbs trailed down the length of the red-head's body, making Pandora flush in color and feel a rush of moisture between her legs. The demon bent close to her and whispered in her ear.

"Wait, my dear. Once they're gone we shall continue. I have much I want to... do to you..."

The girl nodded, gasping in pain and pleasure as Raven grasped her flesh, flexing her talons into her delicate upper thigh. With a small smirk, the charcoal-haired being looked towards the door once more, leaving her hand where it was on the girl's skin. After a moment, Pandora waiting in anticipation of her continued touch, the door opened.

In walked two female demons, clad head to toe in rough gray armor. They bowed to Raven, but malice was visible in their eyes. The demons were not happy to be ruled, preferring instead to cause chaos how they'd like, free to do as they will without anyone having a say in it. Raven noticed their expressions, but said nothing, only watched them.

Rising from their low bow, one spoke, carefully avoiding Raven's gaze."My... Queen. Bael has been spotted in the forest, a young mortal girl with him. We've been watching them for the day, yet all they have done is converse."

Glancing at her partner, the other demon nodded. "How would you like us to proceed, your Highness?"

Raven pursed her lips, sorting through her thoughts. Is he still a threat to me? He wasn't able to defeat me, no matter how hard he tried last time. And of course I do have superior powers... If things really got out of hand, I could always trap him in my gaze, forcing him to annihilate himself. I think it's best if I just watch him and this mortal girl for now, whoever she may be. Surely she is no consequence to me. I have other things to concern myself with than the efforts of someone lesser than me. She waved her hand dismissively.

"There is no action needed at this point, however inform me of any changes."

The demons nodded quickly, awaiting her next order. Their armor clanged together slightly, their bodies shaking in apprehension at what she was capable of if displeased. Raven smirked at their evident fear, pausing to let their anxiety wash over her, relishing in it. After a few moments, she dismissed them.

"You may go." As the demons left quickly, she turned back to Pandora, drawing the girl into her dark eyes. Pandora shivered.

"Where were we?" She traced her onyx talons down the red-head's spine, eliciting a low moan.


To read more, visit the sequel to this story here:

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