Chapter Nine

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Clutching herself tighter, Charlotte looked around in fright. "W-who's there?"

Stepping out from the darkness was a being with blackened, hollow eyes and long wild alabaster hair. His skin was black and charred, and glowing scarlet flames arose from his back, whipping around and lighting his form. Dull silver and pitch armor encased his body. His nails were long, gleaming and red, like miniature knives. He smiled a brilliant pointed grin, lit from within by the crimson glow he emitted, at the terrified girl.

"I am called Bael. I was drawn here by the negative energy that surrounded your spell from earlier. I've come to propose a deal." He approached closer, kicking the motionless Raven aside as he passed. "We don't have much time before she wakes, so let's discuss this elsewhere." The demon waved his hand and Charlotte became clothed once more. The two then disappeared in a fine red haze.

Materializing back in Charlotte's room, Bael surveyed the ink and materials on the floor. Clicking his tongue in disapproval, he gestured and the mess vanished. The demon made his way to Charlotte's bed and sat down, motioning for her to do the same. Tentatively, Charlotte took a seat beside him on the mattress.

"As I said, I've come to propose a deal. I was drawn here, attracted to the negativity surrounding you as you performed your ill fated spell. Now, unfortunately, I am unable to leave. Since the ritual failed, its' power was extinguished, and there remains none to send me back to the demon realm. It is easiest and most successful to go back whence I came, but since that route is not available, there is one more way. It most difficult though." He paused. "If you accept our deal and help me, I will protect you from Raven and in addition take away the pain of losing your soul. I cannot bring your soul back, but I can make it feel as if you had it. And once the next waning moon hits, you can try your spell again. There's no reason it shouldn't work that time, as long as you're careful not to spill anything..."

Charlotte considered his words. I really have nothing left to lose. My ritual failed, and I'm a general mess. I have nothing more to strive for at the current moment; I'm defenseless. If I say no, I lose any protection I may have against Raven hurting me, and also potentially make Bael an enemy by not helping him. If I say yes, I get another chance to defeat Raven in a month... She nodded, looking anxiously into Bael's alarming eyes. "O-okay, we have a deal. What do I need to do?"

Bael looked delighted, his razor sharp teeth back-lit by the bright glow inside of him. His smile was wide and terrifying. Charlotte gulped in fear. "It is simple. I need someone pure of heart to perform a few dark tasks for me. Once they have been completed, I will be free to go."

Charlotte braced herself, nodding. "I'll do them. What do you need?"

The demon laughed, the sound coming from his throat chilling, sounding like a hundred children whimpering in fear. "Oh, you are delightful. No, dear, your soul belongs to Raven now. I need someone who is pure-hearted, and still has their soul intact." He stared pointedly at Charlotte, waiting for her input.

Charlotte thought for a moment, staring off into the corner of the room. "I... I do know someone like that. She goes to my school, and is a pastor's daughter. I'm not friends with her, but I could become friends. She's wanted to spend time with me for awhile. I think she... likes me."

Bael trembled with anticipation, his eyes wide and hungry. "Yes... Perfect... Young love is the easiest to exploit. In return, Raven will not be able to harm you, or affect you, and I shall improve the quality of your life. I've surveyed the situation, and I know exactly what that dark haired she-devil was doing." He shook his head. "She wants to become Queen of the demons by sacrificing you, and thus needed to make your life miserable beforehand to harvest your soul. Unfortunately for her, that's not going to happen now." He grinned the same empty, chilling smile. "You have my word sweetheart, as long as I'm here and you are assisting me, she will not harm you."

RavenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ