Chapter Fifteen

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"It appears I arrived a moment too late, but that's perfectly fine. Now that I have my own pure soul absorbed into this necklace I wear, I'm quite certain I will have a fighting chance against you.... Queen..." He thrust the last word out in disrespect, spitting at Raven's feet.

Raven shook her head in disbelief. "You dare challenge your One ruler? Do you know the powers I now hold? I am able to make any demon obey my will just by looking into their eyes. I would think that this petty revenge should be laid to rest so you will not meet your demise."

Bael grinned. "Spoken like a true coward. Fight me, or be branded one for eternity."

As Raven sent her dark, inky energy to engulf the demon's charred flesh, Bael moved his own carmine energy. The colors swirled around the two,mixing to make a muddy reddish-black. The dark energies attacked the two beings, crushing their spirits and exposing their vulnerabilities.

Raven suffered through dark thoughts of her failures in the past two months. She fell to her knees under the crushing realization that, if she were stronger, she could have beaten Bael when he first tried to interfere with her ritual. Cringing, she felt the burdensome thoughts settle strongly onto her shoulders. But,I have the stronger powers now... And no matter what soul she possesses, it won't be stronger than Charlotte's bloodline. Shaking her wings in determination, she pushed herself up. She was about to claw Bael with her deadly talons, when she got a face full of the other demon's knife-like nails.

Hissing in pain, she put her hand to her cheek to see onyx blood covering her fingertips. Snarling in anger, she swiped at Bael with her own nails, leaving a deep gash on his upper arm. The other demon's own dark blood flowed out, splattering on the ground below. Bael watched it drip down with wild eyes before smiling widely and licking it off his arm with his rough tongue. The red substance covered his lips and he grinned at Raven.

"You'll have to do better than that, dear one..."

As the two fought, Charlotte's soul watched from behind a tall, crumbling pillar, hidden. What do I do? I'm so alone. I don't want to be here... Why can't I move on? Sinking in sadness, she slid down to the ground.

Suddenly, there was a soft touch on her shoulder. Charlotte turned around quickly, frightened, and glimpsed an iridescent fairy-like being. Her pastel wings shimmered and glowed as she fluttered in place, and her short milky dress breezed softly over her thighs. Her light blue and purple hair flowed around her cheeks as she smiled with a warmth that touched Charlotte in the center of her very being.

The fairy's voice was as melodic and crystalline as delicate chimes blowing in the summer wind. "I hear your thoughts, my child. Are you ready to move on and travel to paradise?"

"Paradise?" Charlotte thought for a moment. Maybe I could see Claire there... "Would... would Claire be there?"

The light fairy shook her head sadly, frowning in loss. "No, Claire is not in paradise. She chose not to move on, and instead preferred to stay in the darkness. But you, dear, could have a better fate." She held her hand out to the brunette. "Come with me, and you will be happy. You are destined to reside with me, my dear, because of your pure bloodline. You and your kin were gifted with the purest of souls, and whether or not Raven possesses your purity currently does not change who you are."

Charlotte looked at her outstretched hand longingly. I feel my soul's need to go there. I know it would be the best choice. Still, Claire wouldn't be there... What kind of paradise could I possibly have without her?

Biting her lip, she looked at the being. "I want to go, but I also want to be with Claire. I don't know how it could be paradise without her. She's my everything, her and Pandora. And neither of them would be with me there."

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