Chapter Eleven

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Raven peered out the fresh opening in Pandora's floor, her red eyes glowing hotly in the once peaceful darkness. Onyx talons making ruts on the floorboards as she clawed her way to her feet, she stood tall, glaring up at the ceiling.

Knowing Pandora wouldn't wake, she screeched to the sky, her teeth bared. "Bael! I know you're here. Show yourself, you underhanded hellion!"

The pale haired demon's head emerged from the ceiling, looking in amusement at the infuriated Raven. His wild hair hung down, drifting around his face. He sneered, his upside-down smile dripping with contempt. "You called for me, darling?"

Raven stared into his dead hollow eyes, unamused. "Why are you here?"

Bael flipped right-side up, planting his feet on the floor in front of the inky demon. He smiled tamely, though there was an underlying layer of unpredictability behind his expression. "You're telling me you really don't know why?"

The dark-haired demon regarded him impatiently. "No, I don't. As I asked, why are you here?"

The charred demon twirled around, carefree, unblinkingly watching Raven. His head stayed firmly in place as the rest of his body spun. "Oh! You mean why am I here, after your little ritual failed? You think it was me who made it not work? Are you suuure it wasn't just that you're weak and your powers are failing?" He stopped, tilting his head in wait.

Raven stared at him, tapping her claws on her thigh. Bael threw his head back and crowed, the screams of innocents audible behind his laugh. "Not up for talking, I see... All right then, you caught me." He sat down next to Pandora on the bed, watching with delight as Raven's eyes narrowed at his action. "I was drawn here by Charlotte's intense negativity as she performed her spell. Imagine my surprise and delight when I find not only her negative energy, but also the bane of my existence attempting to take over the demon realm!"

Raven's eyes widened at his statement, her mouth falling open. Quickly recovering, she set her passive expression back in place. "How did you know of my plans? And what do you mean I'm the 'bane of your existence'? I've never met you."

Bael regarded her in anger. "You mean, after all you've done to me, you don't remember who I am?" Enraged, he rose up to his full height, his hollow eyes brimming with black fire. He materialized inches away from Raven, his teeth gnashing. "You. Killed. My. Daughter."

Raven shook her head, confused. "I don't know what you speak of."

Bael's face scrunched in anger, and he screeched as he snatched a small cat figurine from Pandora's desk, crushing it in his fist. Shattered blue glass dropped musically from his hand, clinking onto the floor and glinting with the soft light from outside. He stared at Raven with a hatred so fiery it rivaled the sun.

Taking a shaky breath, Bael began to speak. "As you know, demons are sprung from souls filled with intense negativity after they perish. I was filled with anger from being abandoned as a baby, left out in the elements to die. When I became a demon, I knew only pain, rage, and sorrow. I spent my days tormenting others as demons do, until I found Emily. There was something different about her. She looked so beautiful, sitting by that lake in the sunlight..." The memory filled his mind, bringing tears to his eyes.

Emily sat at the edge of a crystal clear lake, dipping her toes in the water. She smiled at the ducks swimming by. She tossed them pieces of bread from a weathered brown bag at her side, watching as they drifted towards the floating bits, nibbling them up until they were gone. She laughed as two fought over the same chunk of bread, the smaller duck winning out triumphantly with a quack.

"Good job," she told the brilliant green duck, gazing at it in admiration as it swam away. She barely noticed the presence behind her until she felt a gentle hand press onto her shoulder. Spinning around quickly, her eyes widened as she took in who the hand belonged to.

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