Chapter 26: Floki has returned

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Floki was waiting in the Great Hall for Lagertha to arrive, but Bjarke got there first.


She ran towards him and wrapped her arms around his body.

"Young Bjarke. I was wondering what would happen to you," Floki said.

Bjarke smiled. "Quite a lot apparently."

"Floki," Lagertha said while entering the room. "I never thought I'd see you again."

She kept walking towards him.

"Not in this lifetime anyway."

"No," Floki replied. "It's strange for me too. To be back here in this Great Hall."

Floki stepped towards Lagertha.

"If I listen carefully, I can still hear the sound of Earl Haraldson's voice. And Ragnar's voice. Always Ragnar's voice. Such memories we've shared, Lagertha."

"Yes," Lagertha answered.

Bjarke decided to step away from the two. She went to stand with Torvi instead, that way she would still be able to keep an eye on the conversation.

"So much has happened to me, Lagertha. So much. I don't know who I am."

"You are Floki the Boatbuilder," Lagertha answered.

"I am more than that."

"Floki!" Bjarke heard a familiar voice.

Ubbe had entered the room.

"Ubbe! Ubbe!"

"The last time I saw you, you were sailing away in a small boat with no means of navigation. You'd given yourself to the Gods," Ubbe said.

"Oh, and the gods provided," Floki answered.

"In what way?"

"They took me to a place. A special place," Floki said while leading Ubbe towards Lagertha so he'd only have to tell the story once.

"I was dead and then I was alive. And then I came ashore and I was in this special place."

"Where was this place?" Lagertha asked.

"At the edge of everything," Floki answered. "And yet at the very center of it. There was no one else there."

"No one?" Lagertha asked.

"No humans. Only the gods."

Ubbe got up and Lagertha moved closer to Floki.

"Why did you come back here Floki?" she asked.

"Because I felt that it was wrong to keep this amazing place to myself. I want to share it," he said.

"With whom?" Lagertha asked.

"With those who believe in the true gods. I only want those who are pure in spirit and heart. This place is only fit for true believers."

"Like you?"

"Yes. Like me."

"But not like me? Or not like Ragnar? We were never pure like you are," Lagertha said.

And yet again Bjarke could feel the tension building. She felt like this wasn't going to end well.

"I can't say," Floki said. "All I know is that the gods have sent me here to find kindred spirits. Those who are willing to live pure lives among the gods."

"You would take these warriors and shield-maidens away from here, to your special place?" Lagertha asked.

"Yes. If they were willing to come with me."

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