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It's 7 in the evening and I'm in Kyler's car, on our way to his house for dinner. This was the first time I'm meeting his family, so, I'm hoping to make a good impression. Uh... I sound like his girlfriend. What's happening to the world?

I was dressed in a cute floral green top and dark jeans. I paired them up with some black sandals and applied some mascara and lip gloss, not wanting to cake my face with too much make up.

About ten minutes later, he made a left turn and we started going through the rich part of town. It was clear from the huge mansions on both sides of the road. At last, he slowed down and waited in front of a huge gate which opened automatically, to probably the biggest and most beautiful house or mansion I have ever seen. He drove on and parked in front of the main door and got down. He quickly came to my side and opened the door for me. I got down thanking him and looked around at the gorgeous mansion. It had a modern but cozy look to it, which made it more beautiful. Kyler smiled at me and held open the main door, gesturing to me to go inside.

I went, looking around at the interior which was breathtaking. He took my hand and led me into his house while closing the front door. I walked carefully, not wanting to break or ruin any of the clearly expensive furniture and stuff. I don't even know what some of the stuff are called.

We kept on walking and came to a huge pantry which had a homey feel to it. Just then, came a beautiful woman with a slender but curvy figure, wavy long brown hair and familiar Jade colored doe eyes. I guessed that she was Kyler's mom. They did have some similar features. Now I know where he got his good looks. But the woman in front of her mostly reminded me of Nana. They looked so similar.

"Oh! You must be Thamasha. You're so gorgeous. Kyler has been talking a lot about you. We couldn't wait to meet you, darling!" The lady came to me with an excited smile and gave me a huge hug, already making me feel comfortable.

"Sorry about my wife. She can get a little bit too excited. Don't scare the girl away, honey." I looked up to see a tall handsome man who looked JUST like an older version of Kyler, with black hair and the same midnight blue eyes come to us with a smile. Kyler's mom Arya, let go of me and looked at her husband lovingly and rolled her eyes with a hint of a smile. "Ignore the hobo, darling." Mrs. Cross said to me. Mr. Cross came to me and gave me a hug. "Well well, is this the same little girl who cut Kyler's finger in kindergarten?" he said looking amused. I didn't know what to do. I probably looked freaked out, because they started laughing. "Don't worry darling. He deserved it. Ky was such a trouble maker." Mrs. Cross said smiling at Kyler's fake sad face and giving him a kiss on the cheek. They looked so sweet and it was clear that Kyler was a big mommas boy.

"Come on, dear. Let's have dinner. You must be starving." Mr. Cross said. "Where's Ani?" he asked the others while looking around. "She's so excited to meet you."

"She's getting ready. That girl is always late." Mrs. Cross or Arya, as she told me to call her, replied amusedly.

"Hey! I'm not always late, mom. You're the one who interrupted me while I was watching that movie." A beautiful girl around 13 or 14 came down the stairs. She had the same dark hair as Kyler's, which came up to the middle of her back, and her eyes were the same jade doe eyes as Arya and Nana's. Wow, this family has got some amazing genes. The girl came to me in a rush and gave me a bear hug. "You're so pretty! We'll be sist-I mean friends.... Yes, friends." She said looking at Kyler with guilt. "Come on, come on." Anya said dragging me to the long dining table. I was seated next to Kyler, while Ryker (Kyler's dad), was seated at the head of the table. Arya and Anya were seated in front of us.

We started serving food for ourselves, which was lasagna, a salad and garlic bread. The food was heavenly. We talked about everything from school, sports, about our rivalry in kindergarten, and even to how Kyler's parents met through a prank call. It was so fun and Kyler's family was extremely sweet. I could see the love and care they have for each other.

Kyler was definitely a lucky person to have such funny and awesome parents and at that moment, I wished I have that. But I thought of the family I have back home and knew that I was lucky too.

"You ok?" Kyler whispered to me.

"Yeah. I'm great." I said smiling at him.

After thanking everyone for dinner, Kyler came to drop me at my place. The ride home was calm and comforting. I kept thinking about Kyler, and I realized that I like him, but I knew that he'll never like me back, except as a friend. I also knew that we were polar opposites. We just aren't meant to be together.

At last, we stopped in front of my house. Kyler, being the gentleman, came and opened the passenger door before I could. I got out and looked at Kyler who was looking right back at me. I felt like everything was happening in slow motion. My heart was beating so fast. We kept coming closer to each other, our eyes locked, his warm hands held my waist and he lowered his head to meet mine. He brought his lips, close to mine, but at the last moment, he pulled away.

I looked up at him to see his eyes squeezed shut, looking like he was debating something. And he opened his eyes and looked at me with that cold façade, which he usually put on at school. It hurt me to see this but it was also my fault. Our relationship was supposed to be a friendship. Nothing more.

"Uh... I should go. I'll see you at school" I said looking down embarrassed.

"Yeah. Good night." He said more gently

"Thank you very much for dinner."

"Thanks for coming." He said and got into the car and drove away.

I looked at his car and thought of what happened today. Everything was going great until this. I just hope that this incident won't make it too awkward between us, I thought hopefully. I don't want to lose him as well...



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