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It's already Sunday and we got to know that Thamasha has gotten major lung injuries, thus, in a coma. I've been staying in the hospital for most of the time, hoping she'll wake up. I also met her guardian, who is Thamasha's mother, Melissa Queen, a sweet lady in her late 40's and Caleb and Lily, who were also adopted by Melissa. I could see how heart broken and scared they were, when they came to the hospital. It was clear that they love Thamasha so much. I talked to Melissa and she told me about what happened to Thamasha's parents.

It had been when Thamasha was in 3rd grade. She and her parents went out for dinner, and on their way, they had met with an accident because of a drunk driver. Her parents who were in the front had died on the spot, but, thankfully, they were able to save her at the end. She had had some broken ribs and one had caused one of her lungs to tear deep, which had almost lost her life. But, was cured after many operations. Sadly, her lungs were reinjured when she drowned. Currently, the doctors are deciding whether to do a lung transplant or not.

Kyler's father had gotten some of the best doctors in USA to treat her. His family and friends have supported him so much too. He looked down at the coffee in his hand, thinking about what She would say if she saw the black coffee. 'She'd probably scrunch her face in disgust.' He thought with a small smile on his face, remembering her hatred for black coffee.

"Darling, let's go home now. you have school tomorrow." I looked up to see mom come up to me. She sat down and gave me a hug. I couldn't help but hug her like my life depended on it. I felt like a little boy again. No wonder my friends call me a momma's boy.

"You haven't slept or had a shower since Friday, and you stink. Thamasha wouldn't want a stinky hobo coming to visit her, would she?" She said giving a kiss on my cheek, making me feel a lot more better.

"Ok, let's go. But I'm not going to school tomorrow."

"No no Mister! You're definitely going to school. You have that project tomorrow and you need to do both Thamasha's and your part."

"Please Mom, I don't feel like going." I pleaded, thinking about the project that got us together. All the hard work going down the drain.

"You have to. She wouldn't want that hard work going down the drain." She said. Yes, I always wonder if my mother is a mind reader or something.

"and you both need the marks to graduate. She would definitely want you to go and present your assignment. Please don't let her down, Darling." She said looking sincerely.

"Hm.. Ok, mom. Thanks for everything." I agreed, smiling sadly. God, what would I do without her? I thought looking at my mom.

"YES! We can also go see Melissa and the kids." She said referring to Thamasha's family. Mom and Anya had been babysitting the children, while Melissa, Ella and I came to visit Thamasha these past days.

'Please wake up, Sleeping Beauty.' I thought, while walking out of the hospital.



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