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"Fuck you nigga! I don't need you" I said yelling at Bryshere packing my clothes.

"Baby, come on. Chill. I didn't mean it like that " he said grabbing me.

"No , you started this acting shit and you've been feeling yourself. I'm done." He smashed his big sexy lips into mine and started tonguing me down. "No stop" I said in between him kissing me. He went straight to my neck and I couldn't help but moan.

"Don't leave me baby. Please" he said in between kissing my neck. He pulled up my dress, bent down and started sucking on my clit. I threw my head back and clinched his high top. I looked down at him with my lips slightly parted and he was staring at me while sucking. I smiled and pushed him back.

My alarm went off and I groaned. Another fucking dream about Bryshere. I'm not sure the reason for these dreams. I only see him as a close friend, besides my boss. We go wayyy back.
I use the bathroom, shower and brush my teeth. I got dressed and called Bryshere twice but he didn't answer. I sighed, grabbed my things and then head over to his house.

I knocked on the door 4 times before he came to the door.

"What"? He asked rubbing his eye

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"What"? He asked rubbing his eye

"What?..... Don't what me. You need to get ready. We have a meeting in a hour and you're not even close to being ready." I said coming in and closing the door. I saw a bottle of Hennessy on the table. "Looks like you had a great night huh"? I asked smirking at him and a girl walked out into the living room. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I did" Bryshere said smacking the girls ass.

"Yazz stop" she said laughing

"Round two" ? Bryshere asked

"No, you have a meeting to go to. Come on" I said.

"Aight. Give me a minute" he said before looking at the girl. "I'll see you later". He said walking her to the door. He kissed her on the cheek so I'm guessing she wasn't nobody. She left and he went and got ready.
He came out in like 30 minutes.

"I got your favorite ice cream" he said smiling at me causing me to smile back.

"Really"? I asked going to look in the freezer. I ran over to him and hugged him. "Thank you"

"Yeah yeah yeah. I'm riding with you." He said putting on his shoes

"Ok. Come on then. We're going to be 20 minutes late thanks to you" I said

I'm Brysheres' secretary and we're very close. I love my job but I don't like these dreams I keep having about him. He's sexy as hell but I've never thought of him that way.

Shot Caller | feat. Bryshere Y. Gray|Where stories live. Discover now