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My phone was ringing constantly and I ignored it the first 80 times. I looked around for Justin but he was gone. I picked up my phone and saw 10 missed calls from Liyah, Keisha, Woody and Brianna.

My heart started racing as I called Keisha Back.

"Hello"? She said sniffing.

"Keisha, is..he ok"? I asked while shaking.

"He's gone" she said. I dropped my phone in my lap and started crying my eyes out.

"Nooo. Bryshere!!" I yelled getting up. I put my hair in a low ponytail. I put on my Nike onesie and Nike slides, grabbed my things and rushed to the hospital. I cried on the way there and almost had and accident because I could barely see.

I parked and ran inside. I saw his family and our friends, so I rushed over to them. They were all crying or sitting in silence.

"Bri... he's not gone is he"? I asked her. She couldn't even talk, she just broke down. Aaliyah came over to me and hugged me.

"He's gone Lexi. I'm sorry" she said hugging me. She rubbed on my back as I sobbed.


They let us see his body through a glass because we couldn't touch him. I lost my mind when I saw his body just laying there. Who the fuck would just do some evil shit like this.

I glanced over at Tianna and she rolled her eyes at me. I ran over to her and started beating her ass.

"Bitch you killed Bryshere!" I yelled banging her head on the ground. Woody and Brysheres' dad tried breaking it up but I was beating everybody ass who touched me.

"Fuck you, you thot ass bitch! Now you about to die" I yelled banging her head. Tianna was screaming at the top of her lungs as well as everybody else. I saw blood and Tianna got quiet.

Some officers 👮‍♀️ 👮🏽 👮🏽 ran over and grabbed me.

"Get down now"!! They yelled at me. I got down and they cuffed me. They pulled me up and sat me in a chair. Everyone was yelling as one of the officers checked Tianna's pulse.

"We got no pulse" One officer said as nurses rushed over with a stretcher.

I started breathing heavy as I came to realization that I just killed this girl and that I'm going to jail for life, for this. I started sobbing and a Mexican officer walked over to me with a notepad in his hands.

"You ok ma'am"? He asked me.

"No" I cried.

"Ok, ok. What's your name?" He asked

"Alexis" I said still crying.

"Ok, Alexis. Is it ok if I call you that"? He asked me.

"Mhmm" I mumbled.

"Can you tell me what happened"? He asked.

"She killed my friend, I just know she did. I was mad and I just lost it." I said crying

"Ok." He said writing down some notes📝 . "Well I'm sorry about your friend Alexis. I just lost my Bestfriend last week so I know how it feels. So here's what's going to happen, I want to try to help you but if she's dead, we have no choice but to take you in." I cried harder because I just ruined my life. I should have just let the law deal with her.

"Ok" I said crying.

"Lexi, why did you do that? Now you about to go to jail" Aaliyah said sobbing.

"I don't know Liyah, I wasn't thinking" I cried. The same officer came back and let me know that she was dead. It's like my heart stopped because everything froze. I couldn't breath and I felt nothing. I just lost my son, his dad and killed someone. I felt like I was dying and I didn't mind.

Two officers stood me up and walked me out of the hospital. They put me in the back of their car and that's when it hit me. I began to cry and I couldn't stop. I looked over to my left and Keisha and Aaliyah was right there crying. Keisha touched the window .

"Hey ma'am can you back up"? The officer asked Keisha and she did so. We pulled off and head to the station.

"I'm sorry, I tried to help you" officer Gonzalez said to me. He was the Mexican officer.

"I know. Thank you for trying anyway" I said silently crying.

"Why did you beat her up so bad? I really didn't want to see you go in."He asked

"I already told you, because of my friend. Sir I just lost my baby, and his dad was the one that died. We were really close and I worked for him. I just feel that she had something to do with it".

"You should have just let us handle it". He said

"Mannnn y'all wasn't going to do a damn thing. Just another black guy dead" I said . I was getting angry all over again.

"All of us aren't that way." He said.

"Ok officer" I said sitting back. It's too late for anything so there was no need to keep talking about the should've could've would'ves.

We pulled up to the jail and they booked me in the system. I took a mugshot and they made me remove my piercings and rings before handing me a jumpsuit.


I was in a cell with two other girls who wouldn't shut the fuck up. They've been talking since I got here.

"Hey new girl, what you in hear fo "?

"I killed this girl " I responded

"Damnnnnnn. What , you shot her"? The other girl asked.

"No I killed her with my hands. We were fighting and I started banging her head on the floor" I said

"You a feisty one huh? You don't even look like the type. You too pretty to be in here Ma"

"I blacked out, but thanks" I said quickly

"Yo I'm Dee and this is Paula" Dee said

"Lexi" I said back. They seemed cool, but you never know. I might as well stop trying to be stuck up and make some friends because I'm about to be in here for a long time.

"What y'all do"? I asked

"I robbed a bank" Dee said

"I stabbed my ex boyfriend" Paula said causing me to laugh.

"Yo, I'm sorry. That just sounds like some shit I'll do. How you end up in here though? He told on you"? I asked sitting up

"We were at his mom house and she called the cops. He's not going to press charges so he say but I've been sitting here for 7 months now. They keep pushing back my court date" Paula responded

"That's messed up. You'll get out though." I said

"I said the same thing. They gave me 15 years for that bullshit" Dee said

"At least you not getting life" I responded

"I don't think you getting life. This your first offense"? Dee asked


"They probably give you bout 15-30 years" she responded

"Ughhhh. Yo Don't even remind me" I said throwing myself.

We. talk some more until I fall asleep. Damn

Shot Caller | feat. Bryshere Y. Gray|Where stories live. Discover now