We Need a Plan

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Note: this character isnt actually in the anime or manga, I just made her up since i didnt really have any other characters to use. I didnt want to use Illulu since she has arlready had a appearance in the manga.

**Kobayashi's POV**

I dont know what's happening. Tohru told me to lock the doors and now we are hiding in Kanna's room since it's a little bigger than ours.

"I, um... I can explain everything.... Her name is Akane. She is a very dangerous dragon that has been hunting me down ever since she heard about me," She says with a usually serious tone. It hasnt been that long since she got here... Has it?

"She has a huge reputation for hating almost everyone, but... For some reason, she hates me the most." She says, looking more and more worried as she goes on. I have never seen her so serious, so this "Akane" girl must be a big deal.
"Tohru, do you have a plan for any of this?" I ask, hoping for a postive response.
"Yes, actually," she replies, forcing a smile onto her face as she looks up at me. I sigh in relief.
"So, what is it?" I ask curiously.
"We need to find a way out of the apartment without being noticed." She replies sternly.
"What about your cloaking magic?" I say.
"No good. She'll be able to sense the magic aura," she responds, clearly trying to think of something.
"Kobayashi, do you have your cellphone with you?" She asks me.
"Yeah, why?" I say, wondering what she would possibly needy cellphone for.
"Give it to me. I need to call Lucoa. She will know how to get us out of here."
I quickly grab my phone and hand it to her. She fumbles around until she finds Lucoas number and calls it immediately.


Mrs. Kobayashi... (Kobayashi x Tohru)Where stories live. Discover now