We Have To Fight.

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*Kobayashi's POV*

My eyes blink open as the sunlight shines through the trees and into the cave. I carefully sit up, trying not to disturb Kanna and Tohru, who are still fast asleep. I grin slightly at them, but then my happy mood is interrupted by a sharp pain in my lower back.
"Ughhh..." I groan.
"Did you sleep well, Kobayashi?" Tohru says to me, seemingly wide awake, despite her state only seconds ago.
"As well as I possibly could, considering..." I reply.
"That's good, I'm happy." She smiled and gently pressed her nose against my cheek. A strange gesture, but I could only assume that it was something dragons did to show affection. I pulled my face back at first, but then I leaned back in and did the same thing to her. She giggled and smiled with a genuine, happy, and loving smile.
"You two are so cute," Lucoa said, staring at us.
"W-Were you watching the whole time?!" I said in shock. Lucoa grinned and laughed.

After a few minutes, I suddenly realized I hadn't eaten since lunchtime yesterday. "Mmh... so hungryyy...." I groaned.
"Ah, I suppose we should find some food." Lucoa says.
"Where are we going to find any?" I say back.
"We could always go to a local shop!" Tohru suggested.
"We're in the middle of the forest, Tohru..." I reply back.
"I know, but I saw a shop not that far from where we are now. You and I could go together!" she said cheerfully.
"Isn't it too dangerous?" I ask worryingly.
"I flew far enough away that she won't be able to find us." Tohru replied.

After a bit of convincing from Tohru, we decide to let her go, on one condition: that I come with her. She skips cheerfully out the door, and I follow close behind. We walk together for a while, my hand gripped tightly in hers. The wind carries her hair upward, and it looks like rays of light shining through the clouds overhead. We soon come to a clearing in the forest, and in the distance, you can see the shop.
"That much more walking? ugh...." I groan.
"You can always ride on my back!" Tohru suggested as she sprouted her wings from her back.
"No I'm fine, it's to dangerous for you to be in your dragon form right now, anyways," I say. Tohru frowns a little, but she quickly gets over it and continues walking.

We walk through the door of the shop and look around. It's a tiny shop, which I guess is to be expected with such a small town. There are plenty of shelves stocked with food, so me and Tohru start looking.

"Tohru... You know we can't stay in this cave forever, we have to go back at some point. We have to go and fight for our home, for our family." I say, knocking some sweet bread into the basket for Kanna.

Mrs. Kobayashi... (Kobayashi x Tohru)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt