No Turning Back

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Tohru looks back at me, her face plastered with fear and worry.
"You can't hide from Akane forever..." I pull her into a hug, attempting to comfort her.
"That's not what I'm worried about, I-I don't want H-her to hurt you, Kobayashi..." She looks down at her feet, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"I will be fine, My love. Now let's get back, before Lucoa and Kanna start to worry," I tilt her head back up, and kiss her forehead. She pulls out of the hug and smiles, "Right, I'll go get the rest of the food!"

We walk out of the store and start on our way back to the cave. Tohru nudges closer and closer to me, and you can tell she's worried. 'I wish there was something I could do for her...' I think, looking down at the ground. my head suddenly perks up as I thought of something. "Hey Tohru," I grin lovingly, "Race me! You can't use your powers though, because that wouldn't be fair." She smiles and nods, and we get next to each other.
"Go!" I shout, and we run along the path together. It's so fun and peaceful, as if our worries had completely disappeared, just for a moment. Little did we know how quickly those worries would flood back at us.
"That was so fun, Kobayashi!" Tohru says, slowing to a halt.
"You really don't need to call me Kobayashi, it's so formal! Please, just call me-" My sentence is ended abruptly by a explosion and a roar of distress. Tohru's wings sprout from her back, "That's Kanna! We have to help them" She yelped, reaching her hand out. I nod furiously and get a good grip on her arm, to make sure I don't fall off. She zooms into the air with me in one arm and the groceries in the other and flys over to the location of the cave. We make a rough landing on the ground and I feel a sudden pain on my back. I reach and touch the injury, and look at my hand.
"Kobayashi!! Are you okay?!" Tohru shouts.
"There's blood, but it's just a cut. I'll live." I assure her, pulling myself to my feet. "Let's go help the others."
Tohru turns into her dragon form and I scramble frantically onto her back. We run into the battle where Kanna and Lucoa are fighting furiously against a dragon which I can only assume is Akane.

"Ah, I knew you'd come, Tohru~" Akane swirled around to face Tohru, a big, toothy grin stretching from ear to ear. Her multichrome scales glimmered in the sunlight, and her green and purple eyes were filled with hatred and fury.
"Tohru! It's not safe for Kobayashi here, Akane is too powerful!" Lucoa shouted weakly from behind Akane. Her leg was badly injured, and she was struggling to stay upright. "Shut your mouth, you ex-goddess scum! You're no better than Tohru!" Akane flung her head around, causing Lucoa to stumble back in fear. Kanna was pinned under Akane's paw, using all of her strength trying to get free. As soon as I saw Kanna, my entire body filled with rage. The sight of that kid in so much pain made me snap.
"GET YOUR FILTHY CLAWS OFF OF HER, YOU DRAGON AS*HOLE!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I soon realized how much of a mistake that was. Akane bared her teeth, and charged at the both of us. Tohru dodged her attack, but not before Akane had the chance to knock me off of Tohru and send me flying into a nearby tree. There was a sharp pain in the back of y head and left arm. My vision blurred, and I began to fall out of consciousness. There was one last thing that I heard Tohru say before I blacked out.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was super fun to write! It only gets more intense from here, haha! also MKDM SEASON TWO HYPEEEE!!!

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