Chapter Twenty-Three

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The witch doctor struggles in his cell, trying to stretch out in the tiny enclosure. His legs are cramping constantly, but the pain is bearable. It's the waiting that isn't.

He knows Rangda will come for him. He just doesn't know when.

He sees a shadow walk in through the prison entrance, heading for his cage. The tiny slivers of light coming in from the vent overhead appear to be moonlight. It's late. Too late for a visit. "Putri?" He calls, uncertain. He catches long, raven hair. A pretty dress hugging a muscular young woman's frame. Familiar eyes. Eyes that burn like the sun, or gleam like cuts of precious amber. High cheekbones, angled beneath that unnerving stare.

"Princess?" He rasps, hoping beyond hope.

She puts a finger to her lips. "Shhh..."

When she drops her hand, her mouth drops too. Jaw unhinging like a snake, revealing a gaping, red maw. Sagging skin everywhere, falling to the ground like melted candlewax. Large fangs, tusks like a boar. Hair like straw. Goggled, made eyes like that of a large fruit fly, gleaming blood-red. He struggles to crawl like a dog, bowing and scraping on the ground. His forehead hits the earth hard, his knees scraped. His batik cape flutters weakly over his back.

The demon woman melts through the bars, running her long, black fingernails against his back. He bites back a scream, paralyzed by the pain, like a whip.

"Tell me I'm pretty."

He takes in deep breaths to keep from passing out. "You're beautiful, my queen."

"Tell me I'm powerful."

"The strongest, my queen."

"Tell me..." She takes her hand away. The Dukun could cry from the relief. "Tell me you're mine forever, Dukun."

"I'm yours." He dares to look up into those horrid red eyes, the permanently smiling mouth. "Rangda."

When the witch doctor awakes, there's a small pile of gold in the corner of his cell.

He screams when he feels a burning in his feet. He pulls his boot off, and finds his big toe is missing from his left foot. The cut is so clean, like it never existed at all.

Rangda's horrid voice, punishing him in his head.

This is what you get when you deal in blood money.



Rangda is positively terrifying.


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