Chapter Fifty-Seven

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I pull my knees in close to my chest.

We're back in that strange box home that Kaliya occupied when I first visited her in the temple. The box home with carriages roaring in the streets, people's eyes glued to boxes, and cords snaking all over the ground. Tinny music and songs that croon like birds at a mating call. Kaliya suddenly manifests in front of me, wearing the short trousers and black shirt without sleeves, bearing the image of a skull on it.

She mimics my position, staring at me and making herself my size, pulling her knees in close to her chest, resting her chin on her kneecaps. She grins widely, a fox happy to have brought in the sheep. "You look stressed."

I snort, staring down at my feet. "That's an understatement." I run my fingers through my hair, reveling in how short it is, reveling in how right it feels. "We still can't find the damn name. Nenek Wulan is confused. And the sultan..." I swallow my anger, huffing and returning to put my chin on my knees. "I don't even know anymore."

Kaliya tilts her head to the side, her mismatched eyes gleaming at me. "Why don't you ask the old gods of Jiwa?" She reaches over, takes my newly shortened hair in her hands, feels it against her skin. Her fingertips brush, cold, along my face, igniting a blush as she observes me. Damn the gods for their ethereal beauty. "You sacrificed to them, didn't you?"

"Don't think I don't appreciate your help. Spiders and all." I get to my feet, walking around the claustrophobic box-room. "It was more for his grandmother. She's a kind soul. I just wish it was..."

"Easier?" She leans back, grinning even wider if possible. It's not that it's abnormal, but the air. It all feels off."I didn't think the mighty witch-catcher Princess Arnina would get so frustrated and just give up."

I narrow my eyes at her. "Don't accuse me of giving up, spider woman."

She sticks her tongue out at me, taking my hands in hers. Even though we appear to be the same age now, I don't easily forget that her face will never age past this time unless she wishes it to. Immortality, how terrifying. A mirror that freezes. Never breaks or reflects truth. Only reflects what you wish it to.

"Bawang Putih and Bawang Merah." She muses, still smirking at me. "Garlic and Shallots. Shallots and Garlic. Maybe there's more to the tale than you give credit for. Maybe something the old gods of Jiwa can help you with."

I stare into her eyes, lost in eternity, and when I resurface for air, I'm back in my rooms. Zahra rolls over, checking on me.

"Amira?" She holds her hand out, hesitantly, to take my arm in hers and squeeze. "Are you feeling okay, amira?"

I rub my eyes, feigning a yawn. "It was all a strange dream." I stare out the window, the scent of jasmines in the air. "A strange, strange dream."



More riddles. Whoo.


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