Chapter Fifty-Five

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"Bawang putih..." She affirms.

I shake my head. "Garlic? I'm sorry, what?"

Harto moves in closer to whisper to me. I try to lean ever further away, but if I leaned any more, I'd fall off my chair. "She wants to tell you a story about your nickname, Bawang Putih and Bawang Merah, or Garlic and Shallots. It's similar to the Idriolan fairy tale of Cinderella, though who borrowed the tale from who is up to debate. Or maybe it wasn't borrowed at all, just two tales built from the same, wondrous imagination."

"No, Nenek Wulan, I need the stories of the gods, like Rangda's greatest enemy..."

She ignores me and continues to insist. "Bawang Putih. Bawang Putih dan Bawang Merah." She pulls me upwards and, with slow and steady steps, she points to the portrait in the wall, of her and the old sultan, Harto's grandfather. "My story."

"Your story?" I purse my lips at that. "I'm sorry. I don't understand."

She sits down again, and I follow, feeling like a child being tugged along by a tutor. "I was Bawang Putih. My brother was Bawang Merah. I was the good one, and he was bad."

"Slow down. Start the tale from the beginning, please, Nenek."

She sighs, rolling her eyes in exasperation at me. "Two siblings, born complete opposites. Bawang Putih, the good girl. Bawang Merah, the bad one. Both very poor, came from nothing. The legend. She found a magic fish, and when it died, she carried its bones and it granted her magic gifts. You have magic helpers too. I know I do. And they give you gifts too, don't they?"

"Who gives me gifts?"

She smiles, holds a finger to her lips and winks like it's a secret. "The gods. Yours."

"Why do I need gifts?"

She points to the old sultan in the portrait, her past husband. "So, you can find your happy ending too." She takes my and Harto's hands and press them together, fingers interlinked. My face heats up, partially in anger and partially embarrassment. Harto just smirks.

"But, how will this help me find the witch doctor's name?"

She sighs, leaning back into her chair, her eyelids fluttering, sagging over her teary eyes. "I'm tired, my child. Come back tomorrow. I'll tell you another tale."

Frustrated and sad, I pull my hand from Harto's as soon as she falls asleep.

"This means nothing." I tell him. "It's a means to an end so I can leave this place."

He just keeps on beaming. "Then at least I'll have a pleasant fairy tale of my own to act out. To pretend we really are husband and wife until you win the battle, as warriors often do." He turns to exit the room, pausing at the doorframe. "You always end up triumphant though, don't you, princess? Is this really only a means to an end for you?"

"Think what you will. I know the truth." I reply, not wanting to see his slow, lazy smile.

I clench my fists and grit my teeth, waiting.

Like a serpent before it strikes.



She's still a badass, and it's great.


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