Chapter Sixty-One

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            The great stone lion bows its heavy head. Its forearm is the size of my entire body, and I and Zahra make sure to quickly bow to it and show utmost reverence.

"Who are you, great god of Jiwa?" I ask, watching as it opens its mouth again, revealing a stone maw with jagged teeth and rubies set into the fangs.

"I. Am. Barong." The great creature has something akin to wings flattened against its back. Its eyes are wide and set with stars themselves, having come to life despite being set in stone. Its mane runs down the entirety of its back, carved so realistically, it appears to even flow in the wind, though no wind blows. "God of the host of all that is good. I raised Jiwa as rocks from the sea. I raised Jiwa until its mountains soared and spat hot fire. I raised Jiwa until its barren soils fostered life. Fostered you, puny mortals."

I should probably clarify that, at this point, I could so clearly understand him because he was speaking simple Rahasian. But he wasn't even speaking much aloud. This communication was entirely in my head, and Zahra's too, I'd assume, for how wide her eyes were getting.

"We have gods in Rahasia too, milord." I bite my tongue, remembering Zahra is slightly more pious than I am, despite being cursed to be a golem and all by one of them. "They also claim that they created us."

Barong laughs. "You think gods take only one shape? Puny mortal. You think in only one term. You assume that power such as we have operated acts the same way they do in your forms. Your bodies possess power like ours, housing something infinite. Granted, we have better access to that infinity. We shape our reality at will. You are ignorant of its truth, so you worship us, and we protect. We help you shape yourselves, like clay, until you pass into the beginning from which you came." Barong yawns, licking its paw. I don't dare question how the stone giant does that, namely because I'm still trapped in its eyes which possess infinity.

I push forward our gifts, looking quite tiny and insignificant now in relation to just how large the gods are. "My goddess of Rahasia, Kaliya of time itself, suggested we bring these offerings to you. She asked that you help us find the name of one who has plagued both Jiwa and our Empire. The name of the Dukun, the witch doctor and child-murderer who we now have trapped back in our homeland."

Barong tilts his head to the side, sitting down upon the largest step as majestically as a royal would upon a throne. "Now that is an interesting question. What clues has she or the Dukun given you, if I may be so bold?"

I pause, fighting the urge to run screaming from this situation. Something about this creature leaves me paralyzed. His power and sense of being, it's overwhelming. It's as though, if Zahra is of the earth as a golem creature, that Barong the lion is the earth itself. A creation legend, indeed. "Well, the witch doctor's true, mortal name is that of Rangda's greatest enemy."

Barong considers this, a twinkle in that feline eye. "I see." He chuckles again, sounding like a cross between a roar and a purr. "Well then, your witch doctor was named after me. What greater enemy can the Demon Queen have than I?" He laughs. "The creator of good."

"Thank you!" I beam, leaping to my feet in joy as I rest my hand against his mane, an attempt at clasping his hand like a warrior. "You have prevented war between our kingdoms."

"Certainly." He paces, about to go back to his pedestal until he's summoned again, to pretend to be a statue and nothing more. "And if you need me, little one, know this." He holds a massive paw against my torso, where my heart beats fiercely. "I am king of the good world of spirits, and I can recognize a good ruler when I see one." He drops the paw, grinning as well as a lion might grin. "And I see you, Queen Arnina of Rahasia, as the highest of leaders."



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