A Dream

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Whenever the world breaks down around me, I think of the names that have influenced my life.

Malala. A little girl with big dreams holding a wooden sword.

Dasha. A young woman who became a mother too young. A mother who became a scholar by necessity.

Pari. A half-Idriolan, golden haired boy who was no less Rahasian for it. Perhaps even more Rahasian because of his intense love and devotion to—

Tawil. A soldier become a party boy, arguably also by necessity. Horrified by the terrors he'd seen in war. Fell into the wrong hands of drinking too much and loving too little before he learned, with Pari, to love himself.

Ryu. My papa. A man so beautiful he turned the eye of the sun away for fear of blushing.

Elio. My baba. A young leader so strong he took Ryu for his truest love and fought a war for him. Nearly died.

Mawar. A proud woman who nearly lost her sister and her niece in the riots. A proud woman breaking trying to negotiate one stubborn princess into avoiding a war.

Harto. A sultan whose true loves were tradition of the old ways and his land. A sultan who lost his parents and now, floating in such immense responsibility, wanted to seek protection in other ways. Wanted me to be his shield and lover and land all at once. A damsel who wanted a hero to save him when he needed to save himself.

Zahra. The golem-cursed bodyguard who helped lift the burden off my shoulders when it seemed too difficult. The girl who carried me on her back out of the riots. The girl who'd give her life and the one I'd risk everything for.

Ode. The goddess I got wrong. The one who is just a mother. A warrior. And, finally, an ally in the war I was waging against myself.

Soleil and Kura. My idols. My mentors. The ones who pushed me out the nest so that I could fly.

Kaliya. A tattooed time goddess who existed outside of everything. Something of a friend. Something of chaos personified. But, ultimately, a riddle.


But we already know his story. And now, his name.



A quick blurb to tide you over.

Also keep you all up to date with character names. 😂

Have a good weekend!


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