Chapter 17

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Erik and I go up to my room and he collapses on my bed right away. He looks exhausted, so being the good datemate I am, I tuck him in. He smiles at me before he closes his eyes, making me melt inside. He's adorable, I don't see how anyone could hurt someone as sweet as him. He slowly starts falling asleep, reaching for my hand.

"Clarkey," he whispers as he's drifting off, "stay with me." He's literally the cutest. I glance at the clock on my desk: 8:30. Erik's used to staying up all night, I'm assuming, so this is a nice bedtime for him. Well, for now. I kiss his forehead and get in bed with him, knowing I'll go downstairs once he's sound asleep. He eventually falls asleep, holding onto me so tight. I know he couldn't be happier that he's not still living with his abusive shitbag of a mother. I kiss his forehead and slowly extricate myself from his arms. I go downstairs to see Cosette and my mom sitting at the kitchen table. They look at me, probably expecting Erik to follow behind me.

"He's asleep," I whisper, thinking of how cute he looks. They both nod, clearly understanding that Erik must be exhausted and he needs his rest.

"He's so brave for dealing with this abuse his whole life... I can only imagine the psychological damage it's caused." I just nod.

"I worry about him a lot, though. He's always so depressed, I don't know what it is." Suddenly I hear a noise and turn around. Standing at the top of the stairs is Erik.

"Hi Clarkey. I couldn't really sleep 'cause of the nightmares so can I stay down here with you 'til you go to sleep?" he asks. I nod and he walks over to me. My mom and Cosette share a glance and smile. Erik blinks and looks over at them. "You know about Mother?" he asks. "She not gonna hurt me anymore."

"We know, Erik, and we're so happy you'll be safe from now on." He just sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"But I not know what to do. I still depressed and used to being hurted so I really not know. I sorry," he whispers. I just kiss him and hold him close.

"It's not your fault, Erik," my mom says. He shrugs and looks into my eyes.

"Clarkey gonna help me, right?" he asks. I nod and kiss his forehead, making him smile. He runs a hand through his hair and sighs. "Mother told me so many things. She sayed I never gonna live with you 'cause I too retarded."

"Erik, does she think you're too hard to take care of? Because you're not." He shrugs.

"I not know. But she sayed I too retarded to do anything." My mom, Cosette, and I sigh, frowning.

"Erik, you're not retarded," Cosette says. He shrugs.

"I kinda am..."

"Why do you say that?"

"That what it called. Well, what it was called when I was little." He looks down, clearly embarrassed. I take his hand and look into his beautiful green eyes.

"Well, Erik, if you want to reclaim it, that's fine, but I know you hate that word." He just nods.

"I not know what I wanna do." We hang out downstairs for a little while longer and then we decide to go back up to my bedroom and sleep. He cuddles up to me and holds me close.

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