Bruised knuckles

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Cole's POV:
Many kids my age might get a small, part time job to pay for school or other shit, babysitting, working in the corner shop and stuff however I work in a slightly different kind of job for various reasons. You're probably thinking what the hell is he talking about?! Well I'm not gonna go into details; that's for another day, but I'll tell you a bit....
As you already know I have a younger sister, she's called Valentina or Vals for short, and you are probably wondering where our parents are... well both our mother and our father died a year and a half after Vals was born, a couple of years ago now, so I had to step up and look after both of us. That also means making money to pay for everything; food, clothes, our house, school and the extra stuff. So to cover all that I had to get a really well paid job, like two parents worth.... let's just say my job is not your every day job, it's not safe and it certainly ain't legal. However it's how me and my baby sister live, it's how we survive.

It was a Wednesday and I woke up like every other day before that, to the screams and wimpers of little Vals. It breaks my heart but there's really not much I can do as she's so young and I cant bring them back.
After getting her dressed I handed her over to her nannies like usual and got ready myself.

After getting her dressed I handed her over to her nannies like usual and got ready myself

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(Looks a bit different to her physical features⬆️)

When I got to school I was slightly late but then I heard the sound of a motorbike and knew I wasn't the only one- not that I cared wether I was late on my own or not.
I expected some guy to jump off the bike and I was about to open the doors to school when I caught a flash of long blonde hair falling out the person's helmet and I found myself staring. As the girl walked closer with her helmet under her arm and a bag dragging behind her I realised it was the new girl that I ran into and raised my fist at, after again.... thinking she was a guy! What was it and me mistaking this girl for a guy?! Anywayz I stopped staring and while she walked past pretended I wasn't interested when really for some reason I couldn't take my eyes off her. Although I did recognise her as the girl I ran into I couldn't help but feel I knew her from somewhere outside of school, but I couldn't be sure.....
What was left of morning lessons dragged but lunch time came and I had spent the whole hour of it making out with some chick that I really couldn't be bothered with. Don't get me wrong, she was really beautiful, just like all the bimbo girls are, but this was me keeping my cover as the player of the school, which I had to do to SURVIVE, even though I'd rather be doing anything but. Seems dramatic..... but it's true.
Yet again, like this morning I was late to afternoon lessons, like really late, as in completely missed the class kind of late. So instead of going to the second to last period I went to the forever empty classroom I usually always go to when I can't be bothered with school. However when I got there the door was slightly open and the silhouette of a person sat in the far corner framed by the dusty window. Looking closer I realised the person was smoking and I cautiously walked up to them, they obviously hadn't noticed I had walked in so must be pretty deep in thought and I didn't want to ruin that for them.
I sat down slowly on a desk next to them and a wisp of blonde hair sat across her face, it was the blonde haired motorbike riding new girl from this morning and my heart pounded in my head for a brief moment. She glanced my way and I saw a weird look of confusion but also sadness in her eyes, but as soon as she recognised me as the rude guy who ran into her she put her guard up and any trace of emotion left her face. Like her, without any emotion, I asked for a cigarette, "sure" she said stiffly. She reached into her back pocket and pulled a pouch of cigs out, then she handed them to me. When I reached over for them I looked down at her hands and saw bright red gashes and almost black bruises on her knuckles. I knew instantly these kind of bruises come from beating the shit out of someone and for some reason the fact that she was put in that position angered me to the point where I wanted to beat the shit out of someone as well. I was genuinely worried for her, you don't get bruises and cuts like that from any normal fight, from experience the only time my hands looked as bad as that was when I went to a place that no normal kid should ever have to see, let alone fight at..... yes, I fight, as part of my 'job' that is a necessity.
She must have noticed I saw her hands because she chucked the cigs at me, grabbed her bag and ran to the door we both came in from. When I looked down at the pouch I noticed the squiggly writing of a name, VIOLET CARTEL.
Without much thought I picked up my phone and called... um.... let's just say an "employee".
C: Jake, I need you to tail someone, she's just leaving South High now on a Ninja Kawasaki zx6R bike. Report back to me in two hours when you find out where she goes.
J: Yes boss, anything else?
C: Make sure she stays safe, call me if anything happens.
-Call ended-

Uhhh yea a bit ore about that job' of mine. I'm the boss. Don't ask me why I had Jake follow Violet (I'm not sure I know) or even how I can, it's complicated...
After finishing off a cigarette I tucked the pouch safely in my back pack and decided to just leave school, it had been an hour since lunch and there was only an hour left anyway, no point in staying.
On my way to the car park I got a call,
C: Yes?
J: it's Jake boss, there were some complications-
C: What! Is she safe, SHIT what happened
J: I don't know boss, It seemed she spotted me and used  a clever tactic that I was taught years ago to lose me. Who is this girl boss, is she work related?!
C: No Jake she is not, but how the FUCK did she lose you! You're supposed to be my best tail. And you say she used a tactic you've seen before to lose you? How did she even know you were following her? SHIT, I'm gonna catch up with you when I get back to base. I expect a full report on my arrival in the east wing main office.
J: Yes boss, sorry boss.
-call ended-
Hey guys!
Lots of progress in the story this chapter, you got another POV from Cole, you also got a few bits about his background however there's still lots to find out.... updating soon, it's half term for me at the moment and I go back in a day. Not sure how updating will work out then!
what does Cole do for a job?
Who is violet really?
How and why did Cole get someone to follow violet?
Where did violet go?

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