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In front of me right now is Ben, one of the three resident 'bad boys' of South High, and I literally just roundhouse kicked him... "Oh my god Violet! why can't you think before you kick people?" I thought to myself. In case you somehow managed to forget, let me tell you what happened before I managed to land in this sticky situation.

After finally deciding to let Ky take a peek into my personal fortress, I took her to the Underground, telling her it was the place I practice my fighting. So here I find myself, having to lie to Ben about why we were in there. Hopefully he doesn't know what this place really is and all I have to do is make my excuses and take Ky home. Let's keep that kitty IN the bag.

"What the fuck were you two doing in the Underground fight arena? And you!" he pointed at me, "I'm guessing you fight here by the looks of the tape in your hands!" 

Great. So much for keeping the fucking cat IN the bag, *rolls eyes*.

While all that ran through my head was 'oh shit', I watched Ky's face morph from confusion to disbelief to anger. She didnt have to say a word. The main things that a friendship relies on are trust and truth, I'd somehow managed to break those basic rules by blowing both and putting my friend in danger. And not the 'do your laces up so you don't fall over' kind of danger, the kind of actual GBH, scary bad people coming for you danger that I've been running and hiding from for the past year. I have well and truly fucked up. 

"W-what do y-you mean? This is just where she works out..." Ky said shakily. Clearly she knew what Ben had said was right. "Why did you lie about this V?"  Her face had gone from a nice pink to a sickly white, all because of me. Her hands were shaking and clammy because she was going into shock. I needed to get her out of here because she wasn't looking well. She started hyperventilating  and it took me back to the time I found her getting beaten up by Stacy and her bratty barbie girl band. Then she wobbled and her knees buckled, I jumped forward to catch her but I was beaten to it! "So you didn't tell her, did you V" Ben said quietly but sharply, flashing me a look. He caught Ky before her unconscious body hit the rough concrete pavement. It only made me feel like a worse friend, if I could even consider myself one at this point. "No" I said miserably, "and yes, I um, I do fight here. But I swear I would never bring her to one of my fights!" I never thought i'd tell a stranger that, well there's no better time for honesty then now. Right?

"Look V, I'm calling Cole and he's going to lose his shit, fuck! Why tonight?" For whatever reason Cole is going to lose his shit, I don't want to know it, it certainly wouldn't be good

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"Look V, I'm calling Cole and he's going to lose his shit, fuck! Why tonight?" For whatever reason Cole is going to lose his shit, I don't want to know it, it certainly wouldn't be good. Something to do with the King Cobra gang? I think yes..... And now I also have to worry about the obvious fact that my 'secret' fighting job is now not so secret...

Ben passed the fainted Ky to me while he made the call, and I realised that he actually looked worried, and I don't think his worry was for me. Hmmm, Ky and Ben.... I approve, they would make cute babies. What! I'm only looking out for my best friend. My momentarily happy mood soured quickly due to the dialing sound of Ben's phone. 

"Hey boss- Cole, I found Violet and Ky at the underground, I need to take them back to somewhere.... safer" Ben said, hmm that was odd, he called Cole 'boss'. You don't think Ben has something to do with Cole and the king Cobras do you, because I certainly am starting to think so, especially with all this shady shit. Here's Ben asking why we're at the underground where we could ask the same about him!

After a few minutes longer of Ben talking, well more like whispering to Cole on the phone, he hung up, well that wasn't weird at all was it...... what could he possibly be whispering to Cole about? To many Fucking questions. He stalked up to me and picked Ky up gently cradling her in his strong arms, too cute. Then he shoved me towards a car I didn't notice until now, why couldn't he pick me up like he did Ky! Jeez, chivalry is dead, for me anyways. "Dude I have a motorbike, I don't need you to take us home." I said to Ben annoyed. He looked at me like I was stupid, what now! "In case you didn't notice Ky is in no state to ride on that," he said while pointing at her unconscious body. My eyes widened, my bad doing has literally knocked her out. I am a shit friend, no I'm a shit person, but I guess we all knew that already....

I nodded my head lightly then put my scary mom face on, no more sad and soppy Violet, "you better fucking get her home safe, got it dick-wad?! If i here she doesn't make it home without a hair out of place, i'll do some real damage, got it boo?" Ben's eyes were as wide as a cartoon character's and he was almost shaking. Ha, Badboy? The mom face works every time, moms certainly can be scary! Knowing that Ky would get home safe I ran back to my bike and quickly drove back home.


Hoping to wake up to smoke I was upset to find that Ky hadn't tried to make breakfast again, upset because it meant last night really did happen. Ky had gotten tangled up in my shit, the one thing I had promised myself I wouldn't do to her at the beginning of our friendship. I would try and make it up to her however at the moment I cannot promise her safety, not with The Vicious GANG on my back. Yes, gang, shocked? Probably not after my recent encounters with them. As you can now understand my dilemma, a gang on my back AND my once best friend's back, you can probably also understand why I cannot re-kindle our friendship. Not until I CAN promise her safety, if she even wants me back...

So here's plan; get The Vicious gang to fuck off.....simple!


Hey guys <3

I know its been a while and I'm really sorry, I had my birthday party this weekend so here's a really exciting chapter for you! I hope you enjoyed it. I've also decided to announce the Cover Competition Winners next chapter which will hopefully be uploaded by Wednesday or Thursday. Queen of annoying cliffhangers am I right? Haha.



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