Let's talk tactics...

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"Violet Cartel, I may be helping you but this is just a deal, I WILL figure you out, just as you have me."


It turns out running a rescue  mission is a lot harder then it seems, I thought the boys and I would pick a few guns, maybe a throwing knife or two, track Ky's location and then we'd skip off and rescue her. I've also never been part of a gang (that wasn't my family), never worked with other people on a mission and never had to rescue anyone. 

We're back in Cole's office staring at the seated figure talking quietly but angrily on his slate grey phone. We (being myself, Alex, Ben and a few of the gang members) were patiently awaiting orders regarding the preparation of the mission. We're only rescuing one person so just a select few are involved, bringing the whole gang would be overkill. Besides, some are mainly trained in specific fields like tech, seduction or nursing and only have a small range of fighting skills just for emergencies.

"OK! This mission is delicate and there is no room for mistakes. That is why you have been chosen." Cole's complement caused a small murmur of appreciation through the group and I couldn't help enjoy Cole's natural, easy leadership style. "We are to rescue a girl who's been taken hostage by The Vicious Gang. First we must track her position as her current location is unknown. I need tracker team 1 to work on this." Cole passed a folder to a beautiful but intimidating chocolate coloured male: he had a buzz cut and lots of ear piercings and seemed pretty cool. The guy walked out of the office and five other people, male and female, followed after him. "Now I want tracker team 2 to locate The Vicious's last known position, all their bases in this state and beyond, we don't know for sure if they're still even in the country." Cole passed a folder to a pale, ginger haired girl around the same height as me, about 5'4 or 5'5. "And this leads me onto what I want tracker team 3 to do; you'll take Violet's phone and-" "HEY! I did not agree to this you can't do tha-" Cole stood up and walked around his desk and over to where I'm standing at the back, the people in front parted ways like the Red Sea. "Who invited you to speak? Don't interrupt me again in front of my crew otherwise no deal will stop me from what I should do to you or anyone else for such insolence." Cole wiped my bottom lip with the pad of his thumb then put it in his mouth, face emotionless. When he turned around I wiped my lip to find it bleeding, it's probably still split from the fight, dang it! "As I was saying, team 3 will take V's phone and track the text message from The Vicious, hopefully this will give us an idea of where they are at." I rolled my eyes at him but handed over my phone never the less, I mean for fucks sake, Cole knew exactly how to wind me up and was probably laughing at my anger. And Cole NEVER laughs, at anything. Clearly the only pleasure he finds is in others' misfortune. 

For the next hour Cole gave out orders to his people, each team left one by one until it was just me, Alex, Ben and Cole. "Look, I know you guys don't trust me. I mean I wouldn't! But to be honest I don't quite trust you yet either, however I can say regardless, The Vicious gang are our common enemy." I spoke truthfully because the last thing they deserve is a half assed lie. The guys glanced at each other before Cole spoke. "We respect what you've told us but like you said, we don't trust you therefore your excuse will only last you so long. Hey guys, head over to the tech base and see how far along Team 1,2 and 3 are, we need to get on with it, who knows how kind The Vicious are feeling towards Ky today. I'm sure V wants her home like yesterday." I crossed my arms and stood up straight, "Cole, like the deal states, you'll be providing the weapons for the mission-" "I'll take you to the weapon room, you can take what you need, that's what you want right?" I nodded my head yes, shocked at how he knew exactly what I wanted before I'd fully told him. Cole smirked at me and we followed the boys out of the office, once we'd all walked out he turned around and locked the door with a key. "I thought there was a thumb-print reader on this door..." The boys laughed, "No, we put that on the system in case there's a breach, now we know it works, thanks for that I guess" Cole spoke through his laughter at my pissed face, I mean really come on! I squeezed my body through a dusty hole in the ceiling and what, for nothing! The whole reason I used the ventilation shaft system was because I couldn't hack the thumb-print reader. "Very funny, haha see? Look at my face, I'm laughing." The boys continued to snigger as Alex and Ben left to follow Cole's orders.


It seemed I'd followed Cole across the whole of America, we'd been walking almost 10 minutes straight and we still hadn't made it to the weaponry room, how big is this damn place? "For a person that has probably spent years training to fight the way you do, it's surprising how short your patience is." Cole glanced sideways at me with an amused smirk as I dragged my feet against the cool marble floor. "Come on dude! I mean who actually needs this much space, I bet you don't even know what's in that room up there, " I frowned and pointed at a room with a large iron door. "Actually that's the weapon room." Cole smirked at my shocked face, "Finally!"

" Cole smirked at my shocked face, "Finally!"

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Walking inside the spacious room I was shocked to see crates and crates stacked full of artillery powerful enough to feed world war 3

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Walking inside the spacious room I was shocked to see crates and crates stacked full of artillery powerful enough to feed world war 3. A large conference table filled the right of the room and Cole took a seat at the head of it. "Take a seat, we need to talk tactics; how are we going to get in and out without getting killed? How are we going to get Ky out of whatever hell she's in at the moment without getting her killed, if she's not dead already." Cole did make a good point, I haven't really thought about how we'd actually get Ky out, I only knew we had to try, no matter what. " Well... we could just storm in with all guns blazing! That's a personal favourite-" Cole glared at me and my smile dropped, I was getting all excited, its been a while since I'd last done something fun like this. Apart from breaking into Cole's gang house.... what?! "I think you forget that it's not just you on this rescue mission, I may be a heartless gang leader but I would quite like to get out of this with as many people as we went in with. Going in 'all guns blazing' will get us all killed." Cole made another good point. 

"OK! tough crowd... let me think- ohh! why didn't i think about this before!! We can create a diversion out front and sneak in through the back." Cole lent back in his chair rubbing his temples. Looking closer at him he looked as if he'd not slept for the last century. "It's a classic, you probably got it from watching a Bond movie or something, but it's not a bad idea. I mean we don't know the layout of the place Ky's at, but, I like it." Cole smiled a tired smile at me, "I'm going to bed, I might look invincible but sadly I'm not." He stood up slowly but then there was a crash at the door and Ben ran through along with Alex behind him. I stifled a laugh as Cole slumped back down on his chair and sulked, I guess princess is not getting beauty sleep after all!

"Boss, V, I think we know where Ky is, and it's not good."


Hey guys, *winces*

i know i know i know I might as well have been dead....

Sorry for not updating in literally months, but I'M BACK BITCHESSSSSSS. sorry.

Anyyywayyy a storm is brewing and I can tell you that Nobody is safe next chapter, not even Cole and his Invincible looks...... Yes that was a clue.....


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