Black Lives Matter

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A person with a platform of any size should use it to amplify the words and actions of black lives. Please respect my words and the words of people who comment, be aware that anything that is offensive in any way will be deleted from the comments - read the room, if you have something controversial to say, to this topic, or you don't believe black lives matter, do not comment.
As a disclaimer, I am white, therefore I will never be able to understand the life or experiences of a person of colour, however, I am actively taking the time to research and educate myself about the generational, black trauma that exists and has existed way before it's been filmed or shown on the news. This is something that everyone with the privilege of not already knowing it, can do.

Here are some words that I've taken the time to consider.

Privilege means having a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group. Having privilege does not mean that an individual is immune to life's hardships, but it does mean having an unearned benefit or advantage one receives in society by nature of their identity. Within this system, people's values are defined by their identity and by the privilege it gives us. Examples of types of identity that can afford an individual privilege include: race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, country of origin, language, and/or ability. Becoming aware of one's privilege should not be viewed as a burden or as a source of guilt, It is important to understand the privilege you have so that you can use it to end it and level the playing field.

I think becoming aware of one's privilege can be uncomfortable for some people, especially when they have an abundance of it. It can be uncomfortable for some people because without realising it or even agreeing with it, they are considered 'better' or 'more valued' because of their identity, compared to other people in society and their identity. I'm a white, cisgender, able-bodied, straight, educated, middle class, neurotypical female. I don't have to worry about food, shelter, clothing, education, work or my future and this is because I have privilege. I have the space in society to live my life with my own opinions, without worrying about my survival, based on the fact that my identity says I am 'worth more' than other less privileged people. Although it may be uncomfortable for some of us to come to terms with the fact that we may have more privilege than others, it is important that we are aware of it so that we can use our privilege to end this unfair and unjust system - this understanding will lead to a better, more accepting, more equal and just world. Privilege is power. There is a question of duty that comes with this power, a moral duty to the greater good where people of this power must use their privilege thoughtfully and gracefully.

Thank you for reading, I apologise for having not breached this topic as of yet on my platform. There are no excuses, however I wanted to ensure everything I was saying was interpreted respectfully and correctly as I understand that I have an influence on younger readers and that this topic may be hard for others.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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