I'm Too late

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Suddenly Alex leant over the console towards me, "look, I think there's a medical kit in the SUV that was behind us, with Brody, I know it's probably a shit storm out there but we should all go get it - don't you think?" Thinking about it, I realised this may be Cole's only chance and so we left for the next door SUV.


There was an eerie silence about the place, aside from the injured men groaning and grunting on the frosty autumn floor, it wasn't alarming or particularly bone-chilling; it was, however, scary to be left to my thoughts. Was I truly about to lose another someone - close or not, I've decided losing Cole would hurt just as bad as it felt losing them. Pulling my leather jacket tighter across my chest to conserve heat, I trecked on through the mass of broken cars and dead looking bodies, on through the scorched cars and further into the cloud of danger slowly diffusing around us.

"Alex? Ben?" I hollered, "where exactly are we going? Don't you think we should be going back by now, we've clearly got no idea where Brody's SUV is." The two boys stopped with their long ass strides and turned around to face me, "uhh, Nah it's just up here, Cole will be fine. Remember he's a gang leader, he was trained by his father from the age of like, 10 for situations like these." Ben replied while Alex shifted his weight across from one foot to the other. I raised a perfect brow, what are these boys up to? *AHAHAA* Suddenly there was a guffawing from way behind us, it was loud and teasing, it had a goosebump rising edge to it that had for some reason haunted my dreams ever since that night... Without taking any steps forward on whatever mission this had turned into I sprinted back through the mass of broken cars and dead looking bodies, back through the scorched cars and chased the cloud of danger slowly diffusing around us. "V!!!" called Alex angrily, what was his problem? I was trying to save his boss and his friend. "VIOLET!!! GET THE FUCK BACK HERE!! YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT YOU'RE GETTING YOURSELF INVOLVED IN." Ignoring the boys, I ran and ran until it felt like I couldn't run any more, then I ran even faster. The sound of a loud engine starting caught my attention and I changed my direction. Now running slightly to the right of where I left Cole, I sprinted towards what looked like a group of Vicious members. Keeping my feet light and my breathing even I slowed to a stop, hiding behind a burnt weapons crate I listened in to what the men were talking about. "He's loaded into the back Diablo, The Boss will be very pleased." Who is Diablo? Is he the boss of the Vicious? No, he can't be, apparently he has a boss! Diablo had to be a man of power in the Vicious gang, his stance and the insignia on his ring proved that.

" Who is Diablo? Is he the boss of the Vicious? No, he can't be, apparently he has a boss! Diablo had to be a man of power in the Vicious gang, his stance and the insignia on his ring proved that

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Any member with a golden ring was either the don - the boss man - or a Capo - the money handler. These men were in charge of the mafia together but at the end of the day, whatever the Don says, goes.

Focusing back onto the situation at hand I calmed my breathing and pulled my sleek matte-black handgun out from the back of my pants. I aimed my sights at Diablo - the capo, I'd concluded that was his position - as I breathed in I put my finger on the trigger, as I breathed out I pulled the tri- "Yes, well, Senore Harding barely even gave up a fight! I'll certainly have my fun with his face, so perfect, but not for long!" This stopped any trigger happy fingers right at that moment. Whatever Diablo had just said, had unknowingly saved his life. I had bigger fish to fry than killing this man, I needed to figure out where Cole was and maybe I'd need Diablo and the his boss later... Slowly but surely I crept back to the SUV we'd arrived in and checked the front seats - there was no Cole and I'm pretty sure he didn't suddenly recover from his bullet wound and run away!

I'm too late.


Weird dreams of Men and women in masks swam around and warped in my mind's eye. Knuckledusters and hand grenades. Car crashes and crates. Beautiful girls with long dirty-blonde hair, Gun in halter and leather jacket hugging figure. Long eyelashes and ruby red lips, plump and kissable, watering eyes then blood-curdling screams. A mirage of love and lust. A dream about a life with this girl. All. mine.

It had been hours of the same kind of torture - staring at the mystery girl I yearned for then waking up without knowing her name.

My lips were long dried out. Eyelashes stuck together. Wrists rubbed raw from trying to escape the literal chains weighing me down and mind finally tired of the beautiful hallucinations haunting me.

Confused - I think I'm starting to come to.

Tired - I would rather be punched 100 times over then to face the mystery woman one more time without being able to touch her dimpled cheeks.

Frustrated - what is happening to me? I am Cole Harding. Leader of the King Cobras. I have never gotten so caught up over a girl, let alone a girl created by my own mind.


It had been hours, or maybe days, who knows it could have been weeks. But a bright piercing light was slowly making its way around the circumference of each eye. As my eyes burst open I was met with nothing. Literally, nothing... there's no light. but as my eyes adjusted it seemed even with my sight slowly returning I wasn't missing much, the leaking pipe in the top right corner definitely didn't count for much. What caught my interest was the small whimpering coming from the darkest corner on the far side of the room, hidden from the ominous looking door held securely by the multiple bolts and locks. Scooching, yes scooching, I went as close to the sound as the chains would allow me and made a *PSST* noise with the remains of my energy. Suddenly two Ice-blue eyes blinked back at me, young and innocent looking.

"Hey, I'm friendly... well... nevermind. look, my name's Cole, What's yours?" I tried to make my voice soft and calming but nobody was being fooled by the monster I truly am.

"F-Fox Cart-tellini..."


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Where have we heard the Cartellini name before?


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