The White Dragons

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"Women! Am I right?!" She said while laughing at my pissed face. She literally just threw my own words right back at me and I don't like the loss of control one bit. After smirking one more time at me, V ran off to the car park and out of school.


I was left speechless with my mouth slightly agape, I was also still flat against the locker V had pushed me onto. I can't believe someone has stood up to me, again. The same person as well!

Now I don't like being mocked like I was, so when V ran off  after totally owning me, I was left in a pretty shit mood. The people around me in the corridor could clearly tell and knew to avoid me, nobody wants to get in my way while I'm in one of my moods. Everybody seemed to understand this but my two idiot best friends, Alex and Ben. Me and Ben have known each other since kindergarten, one playdate was all it took. Alex was a transfer from Spain in 6th Grade, back then he was closed off and unfriendly after the death of his mother to cancer. However after we became project partners in English, he opened up to me and Ben, we both made a new friend that day and we've all been inseparable since. 

These guys know about my family business. I trusted them then as now and when they needed jobs, I was there for them and taught them the ropes. Now they lead it with me.

So despite my obvious mood, Alex and Ben bounced up to me seemingly oblivious, or at least not bothered by the black cloud following me down the corridor. "Dude, you wouldn't believe who contacted us... who needs OUR help", Alex spoke to me quietly so no-one else would overhear us. I looked over at Ben who was midway into taking a large bite out of a doughnut, where did he even get that from... anyway, "Who?" Concerned looks shadowed their faces. "You wont believe it but it's....The White Dragons." 

You should probably know that these people are a ruthless family and they were very well known in the world I work in. Over a year ago the whole family (business and all) just disappeared completely. We all assumed they had been murdered, it could have been a bunch of people and noone exactly missed them. You may be thinking what the fuckety fuck is this little shit talking about.... well in this type of business, things like that happen pretty often, people are murdered, people disappear and it has been known for whole families to be wiped out, just like that. It's just never happened to strong people like the White Dragons before. I massaged my temples with my large calloused fingers, this was giving me a headache. 

The leader of the White Dragon business, Mr Cartellini, had been great friends with my father. When my father died, he gave me lots of help and advice on building up my family's business and how to keep father's legacy alive. After news of his disappearance I was devastated and so were Alex and Ben. I immediately felt a weight lift off my shoulders on hearing that Mr. Cartellini and the White Dragons were not... gone, however it did make me wonder where they'd been for the past year and a half, what they'd been doing, why they hadn't contacted me, why it was said that they were murdered and most importantly, what they wanted from me now.

"Tell me the rest of this shit storm later, back at the house, I want to know exactly what Mr. Cartellini said and what he needs help with. No-one hears about this." Ben had finished his doughnut and Alex nodded his head, they both knew when it was time to be serious. With that, we parted ways and I dragged my feet to math class, definitely not what I wanted to do with the White Dragons on my mind.


Finally the bell rang for lunch and I dashed out of math class faster than the teacher could mention homework, my hot fries ain't gonna wait for no-one. As soon as I sat down with my food at a lunch table in the centre of the room, all thoughts of compound interest were lost to the rather more pressing issues in my life. First, Mr. Cartellini and the White Dragons, was he really alive? Then I moved right on to the next thing on my list, Violet Cartel.

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