Fuck the plan!

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Cole was walking in front of me, Ben and Alex; his moment of tiredness forgotten and his mind set on an imminent war. "Ok boss, V, we know where Ky is and like I said before; this shit is not good." Ben spoke seriously, "The team looking into V's texts managed to track the private IP address and from there could track the sender." I looked at Ben angrily, here we were without a scratch on our bodies, taking our god damn time while Ky may not have any! "Alright, Alright! Don't get stressed boo, I'm getting to the beefy stuff. Anyway, after a few dead ends we managed to work out the location of the sender, unfortunately, we won't know for sure if Ky is there but it is a strong start." Alex pulled out an iPad and quickened his paces to fall in line with Cole, Cole looked down at whatever he was being shown but continued walking with purpose. "This red dot is the sender, this blue dot is this iPad. By the speed the red dot is going we can make an educated guess that the sender is in a vehicle of some sort, they are also on a major road that leads directly to John F. Kennedy International Airport." It took a brief quiet moment for the news to set in; our footsteps bounced around the endless corridor and it was almost like each of us were grateful for the silence, time for ourselves, calm before the storm. No fists flying (or feet, or knees or elb- you get it) yet, just a brief moment for us to really come to terms with the fact that Ky was slipping through our fingers.... lol you thought I was going somewhere with that; but it's true, from the beginning we had no chance, whether we were running or hiding, searching or hunting. We are all in danger and for once I don't know what to say next. What could I possibly do or say next?
I notice Cole clenching his jaw, his sharp, stubbly, tanned, beauti- uhh. Nope. Not. Going. There.... Aaaannnyway, I quickly looked away before Cole or one of the boys noticed. Too late, Ben chuckled a little but I elbowed him in his side which quickly shut him up.
"Well, if Ky is in the country (or even the state) at the moment, she won't be for very long. Alex, Ben, gear up and pack a suitcase of AK-47's, we're all going to need them if we are to get out of this alive and intact. Rally the guys and get them to go through the standard procedure- weapons, convoys arrangement, teams: this is a classic stun and run mission. We're there for the hostage not to kill, only shoot if necessary and remember we'll most definitely be in the public eye so get masks as well." Cole looked at me, "I need you to gear up as well, like our agreement states I provide weapons so grab what you want. Meet at the garage in 15, I'm sure you know where that is." Cole stormed off, probably to get himself ready.
I huffed but followed his orders anyway, great now I have to walk alllll the way back to the weapons room.
After grabbing a specially lightweight Kevlar vest and a semi-automatic pistol, I hurried to the garage not wanting to be left behind but also trying not to run into anyone else, there are people just milling around! I mean come on! Mama's gotta get her baby.... ew let's agree to never say that again.

Walking into the garage I'm instantly made breathless; although the room was bigger than any garage I'd ever seen, the busy crowds of people made up for the extra space. Men and women were loading crates of gear into the boots of each car and others just stood there waiting. 

One thing you might like to know about me is that I have a thing for Flash-bangs, I've always enjoyed the looks on the poor bitches faces when I pull one out and they all start pleading for their lives not understanding that all it'll do is flash then bang a lil.... or a lot but ya know what they say, whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger! Kinda doing them a favour really!

Eventually, I came to my senses and searched the crowds for the guys, more specifically Cole, Ben and Alex. After seeing them and not managing to grab their attention, I pushed my way towards them. "Finally you're here my little jelly bean!!!" Yup, that's Ben for you.... I rolled my eyes but grinned at him back, "Jelly bean my ass. Now I would like one of those flash-bangs... you know just for lil old me?" I fluttered my lashes hoping to charm them all, it didn't work and Cole flicked my nose. Cole flicked my nose. Yes, I just repeated myself don't freak out *rolls eyes* (you guys are so extra lol) I glared at him and growled. The guys just laughed and I rolled my eyes again. "Remember this day boys, I will get my revenge." I puff my chest out and pretend to look down on them (even though that is physically impossible lol I'm so short). Apparently, my acting as mean was a joke to them. Just you wait. 

Our car is the third from the front but still a good way from the back. The team is oddly quiet and so am I, I've got my own shit to think about. Like what I'm going to do if Ky isn't at the location we're heading to, or what if she is badly hurt- fuck I'm rambling- I'm not even talking out loud and I still manage to ramble, I mean come on it's not even like- fuck ah shit I'm just gonna, you know what? Fuck!
The closer the red dot got to the green one, the further the tension rose, within a few more minutes we were so close that we could get a better idea of our situation and the lay of the land. For instance, how many cars the enemy has, how many civilians there are driving between us and how many are likely to get hurt if we start flash-banging the crap outta them.

Cole radio's to the car at the front, his voice tight but in control, "Eagle 1 to Bear 1, the Dragon should be in sight. Do you have the Dragon in your view?" No reply "I repeat, do you have the Dragon in your view?" Cole tries again but still no reply. I turn to Ben and see his iPad still tracking the target, then I realize what was happening... Without a moments notice, I grab the iPad and throw it out the window. SCREEECH -"WHAT THE FUCK-" "THE FUCK V WHAT WAS THAT" "Boo come ooon, so not coool". (I'm sure you can tell which one is Ben... lol.) I sigh and gather my thoughts, "They know we're following them, they are scrambling our comms units. I threw the iPad out the window because I wanted to." The boys glanced at each other but I only laughed, "sorry just messing with ya, I threw the iPad out the window because if they can scramble our radios who knows what else they could be doing, they could be hacking into the system's mainframe for all we know." I take a breath to gauge the reaction, are they still going to be mad- 

I didn't get the chance because a bullet pierced the windshield and hit Cole in the chest.

The car skidded to the side of the road and everyone unbuckled themselves. I hear a bloodcurdling scream looking around trying to figure out who it was. I mean it could be Ben but... no, it's me....
After pulling my shit together I drag myself over the console and look at Cole's gunshot wound, it looked scarily close to his heart but he was still breathing so it can't have hit there. By some kind of miracle the glass in the windshield must have slowed the bullet down, maybe the distance from the shooter to Cole had something to do with it, but regardless, Cole was not dead yet but still definitely not completely alive. He moaned in pain and I see everyone visibly take a breath, "the bullet didn't hit his heart," I push his body slightly forward to look at his back, "but there is no exit wound..." fuck fuck fuck fuck no. NO. Not today. "Shit" mutters Alex" "uhh talk English jelly bean.." I sighed but remained cautious, there was a full out war going on outside with Flash-bangs and gunshots. "It means the bullet is still inside Coles body... if he moves or his body is put under any more pressure, however light it may be, the bullet could move and actually pierce his heart. Or a major artery, or a vein. Basically if we don't get Cole out of here soon he will die."

Hey bitches,
Shit, I feel like I'm getting told off by my mother right now..... I'm soooo sorry for yet again just not posting. I know it doesn't make a difference for you guys but I kid you not, my teachers are planning my death; death by homework and assessments. I mean honestly, I just spent 5 hours trying to finish the stack...then I abandoned it and picked up Wattpad instead!

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