angels bruise like peaches

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"alligator blood"
nicole dollanganger



rubbing the uncomfortable wedding band around her finger, the newly married lizzy grant pushed the curtains away from the window to reveal the lavender, grey sky and the girl who made her heart thud! thud! thud!

there, on the doorstep of her dusty rose-walled prison stood carmen, all blue eyes and black velvet lashes.

" away with me..."

lizzy didn't move, and didn't drop her hand from the curtain.

"...please, just run away with me..."


lizzy grant nearly fell to her knees at the sound of that voice that she hadn't heard for years, had prayed to hear for years, and it almost amazed her.

"...kiss me..."


"...please, just kiss me..."

"lizzy," carmen said for a third time, still lullaby soft and angel wing delicate to the ear, and lizzy willed herself not to open the door.

just don't open the fucking door.

"...i love you..."

don't fucking open it -

"...oh god, i love you..."

the door opened with a sharp click! that made carmen wince, and lizzy was so blinded by that "unholy anger" she'd been warned about before that she didn't see how pale carmen looked, didn't see the bruises on her neck, the porcelain cracks of the rose soft skin lizzy's hands had touched like pages of the holiest book.

she just saw the girl who'd broken her heart.

"lizzy - "

"it's elizabeth," the woman replied coldly, fighting against the urge to just give in to the heaven that she knew lay in carmen's arms regardless of who saw.

"...we sin together..."

not that lizzy could give a fuck.

"oh," carmen said, those doll blue eyes so fucking sad and hollow and unnoticed. "i..."

it was those same unanswered prayers and those same times she'd screamed carmen's name in her dreams that set the muscle in lizzy grant's jaw, and made her look at carmen as if she were rotten honey.

"what do you want, carmen?"

lizzy tried tried not to show her bleeding gums as a result of the thorns of the rose that bloomed on her tongue as she said her name. carmen fidgeted with the hem of her dress, lips moving but the words not coming.

"i-i..." she started, biting at her nail, shaking. "l-lizzy, i - "

but it was those blue ribbon eyes that turned the taps of the overflowing bath on at full force, and the words all came spilling out.

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