boys and bruises

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"body electric"
lana del rey



the best part about the day was the end.

having taken his coat from one of the hallway pegs
- lined up like kids on their knees in prayer-
daniel pulled it on and winced sharply. the pills' effect was wearing off, and although the lavender did numb the pain a little, he was in pain.

pain which was made worse by matty and brendon ran past him down the hall, and matty smacking into daniel on purpose.

it felt like someone had set his back on fire.

as well as crying out loud, daniel dropped the walkman he'd just taken out of his coat pocket, but the dark-haired boy he'd talked to on the wall without a coat and with his white shirt sleeves pushed back to the elbows picked it up for him.

"hello again," philip said, hands in his pockets and messing around with something inside.

daniel wondered if it was a knife.

"hi," the bruised brunet replied, taking the walkman from philip's cold hands. the pain was still white hot, and he was fighting off the urge to cry.

"hold my hand if you want," philip said, as the two of them stepped out into the frosty cold air, frozen gravel crunching under school shoes.

"fags," matty called at them over the wall, "go to hell, you fucking pervs."

daniel immediately retracted the hand that had just brushed philip's by his side for a kind of teddy bear comfort

"n-no," he stuttered, "no thank you, i mean - "

"i can kill them too," philip said, blunt as ever, looking back over his shoulder at the cluster of boys near the thistles. "if you want me to."

there really was something oddly comforting in his half-smile, as well as frankly terrifying.

exactly like his eyes.

"why would i want you to kill someone?" daniel mumbled, stuffing his hands in his pockets and trying to fight off the images of hell and philip's mouth that matty had painted in his head.

"because," philip shrugged, walking alongside daniel on the rough roads through the soft wild grass that lead towards the town, "they made you sad. don't you wanna hurt them?"

the thought had crossed daniel's mind more than once, but he'd always been unsure whether it would be matty healy or his stepfather who sent him to eternal punishment.

"maybe," daniel muttered, enjoying the sound of the long grass being ruffled by the cold winds and the schoolchildrens' voices getting quieter the further away they got from the small, sinister school. "but it's..."

he sighed heavily, so hard he wondered if he'd split like his old teddy bear threatened to and spill stuffing all over the wildflowers.

"'s a sin."

a smile rugged at philip's mouth.

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