19 | M I S T A K E

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shaking hands with the dark parts
of my thoughts.

   "BLOOD ON SATIN ... I should break his nose twice for that", Susan scoffed, shaking her head. "I'll write my mum. She might knows a spell."

   "You don't have to", said Ember, looking at the dress laying on her bed, freckles of dried blood staining the cloth. "It's not like I'll ever get the chance to wear it again."

   "You're right", Susan sighed, flicking her wand and the dress folded itself and floated into Ember's trunk. "If there'll ever be another ball, your boobs will probably have grown out of this beautiful garment. What a shame."

   "Oh my god, Sue!", Hannah yelped, throwing one of her fluffy yellow pillows at her blonde friend.

   "Merlin, Hannah, that's just natural, deal with it", Susan exhorted, giving her bright eyes a roll.

   The upcoming days of Christmas break were overly awkward. Ron and Hermione acted so politely around each other that it was fair to say it was creepy. As Harry later told Ember, Ron and Hermione seemed to have a bad fight on the evening of the Yule Ball, just right before Ron decided to break Malfoy's nose.

   "I am a bit jealous with him", Fred admitted on new year's eve. "I wish it had been my fist in his face."

   "You can line up", Harry snorted, "I wouldn't have minded if I had been there as well."

   "Oh, the little shit is kinda obsessed with dear Emmie, I'm sure we will all get our chances", said George, and Ember rolled her eyes.

   Cedric wasn't all that amused about what had happened at the Yule Ball. Even though he was spending a lot of time with Cho lately, he always seemed to be somewhere near Ember. She met him in the hallways wherever she was going, he was in the library whenever she was, and when she finished dinner and was about to head back to the common room, he insisted to accompany her every single time.

   "Okay, Ced, what's that about?", she finally asked, as she noticed him behind one of the high bookshelves around her in the library. Sheepishly grinning, he stepped out of the shadows and sat down across the table.

   "What are we talking about?", he asked, cocking his eyebrow in what he might thought was an innocent way.

   "We are talking about that you are acting like a creepy stalker lately", Ember scoffed, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Why are you following me all around the whole castle."

   Cedric's grin slipped from his lips, being replaced by a stern expression. "Isn't it quite obvious, Emmie?", he then sighed, running his fingers through his sandy brown hair.

   "Would I ask if it was?"

   "You picked a quarrel with Malfoy", he plainly retorted, his marble grey eyes full of sorrow. "You don't think he'll let you get away with that just as easy as that?"

✔️ 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐆𝐎 →  ℎ. 𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦Where stories live. Discover now