Is he really a jounin?

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3rd P.O.V

Sakura stayed awake sitting at a window in the house. Hearing footsteps outside in the yard she swiftly turned her head to the right.

A slight red and green glint appeared in her eyes. She made a hand sign and slowly disappeared into white and dark red petals.

??? P.O.V

I was walking towards the house of the person who I was to fight tomorrow but this idiot tagged along and was making too much noise with his footsteps.

'Either way, this person is probably never aware of anything around him" 

"Hey Kakashi! I don't think it's good to underestimate the heir"

"Obito shut up!" 'god! he's so loud and annoying'

I continued to walk when I heard something in the distance, quickly grabbing Obito's wrist I run to the right and hide in the bushes.

"Kakashi! Why are w--" I put my hand to cover his mouth 

I look behind me and grab a kunai with my left hand. I watched as white and red petals form a person.

Tensing I watched as Obito's eyes lighten up 'Why is he s--'

"You know, it's not nice to sneak into someone else's property. And you, Obito. Why are you hiding?"

Obito took off my hand, getting up quickly he jogged to the little girl no older than 4.

"Sakura! It's so nice to see you! It's just the bastard Kakashi wanted to see who he was fighting tomorrow." Obito grinned while my eye twitches.

Suddenly there is a giggle in front of me. Swiftly jumping back slightly landing in my fighting position I looked at the little girl in surprise.

"I see... So you wanted to see me... Hatake?

I grit my teeth, I see the amusement in her eyes as she doesn't take me seriously. But as I see more deep into those eyes, I find a dangerous red shinning from those eyes as if daring me to cause problems at this time.

Gripping my kunai harder I start to smirk underneath my mask.

'No way I'm doing what a baby tells me to.'

"No Kakashi!" Obito whispered/yelled, but by then I disappeared.

Sakura's P.O.V

I looked at Obito who sighed in relief, putting his right hand on his chest and puffing out air.

"Thank god. I thought he was going t-"

I grabbed a kunai with my right hand, turning to the right I blocked Kakashi who put more force on the kunai.

Pushing back with some force we both jumped back. Kakashi smirked while I looked at him with a blank face.

Obito looked like he was about to protest but as I glanced at him he shut his mouth.

Kakashi and I made swift movements, blocking each others attacks.

I sighed as I look outside seeing the sun slightly rising. Blocking one more attack I punch him back lightly, flipping mid-air he lands on his feet with some force to stop himself.

Just as he was going to attack I raised my hand and he immediately stopped.

I turned my back on him as I walked back to the direction of the house with a ghost of a smile.

"I look forward to seeing you at today's match Hatake."

And with that I slowly disappeared, petals replacing my form.

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