New Little Brother!

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3rd P.O.V

A tiny giggle came out of the infants mouth. It had appeared there was a new member to the Uchiha clan and everyone had celebrated the new child of the Uchiha clan leader.

The same small hands from the infant that giggled tried grabbing at the air as if there were something in front of him.

"Sasuke? What are you grabbing at?" Itachi continued to awe at the existence of his younger brother, he would happily protect Sasuke at any costs.

Itachi grabbed his younger brother and wrapped him up in a blanket so that he could easily carry him.

"Oh well Sasuke, lets go" Itachi's voice was very soft spoken as he left the house with his mother waving goodbye to them, a little gloomier than usual.

Sasuke whined while trying to look at the waving figure behind Itachi.

"It's ok Sasuke. We'll be back soon"


Itachi had came to a stop in front of their destination. The hospital.

It had been about a month since Itachi had been going to the hospital to see his sister, Sakura.

Feeling a tightness in his heart, Itachi's will power and love for his sister is the only thing that kept him from running away while looking at her state.

Pale and unhealthily thin.

Sasuke began to squirm in Itachi's arms as if trying to get away.

"Hello sister. It's been a while...hasn't it?" Itachi's voice wavered at the end as his throat tightened.

Itachi continued to talk to Sakura, telling her how his day went as if it was another normal day. Or as normal as it could have been before the war had started.

Sasuke kept still after a while looking at the bed in front of him.

A sitting figure in front of them had her cheek resting on her hand, although she seemed bored there was a white transparent glimmer running down her face.

" So it seems you finally made it into this world" were the words that came out of the black haired girl.

It seemed as if Itachi did not hear her, but Sasuke perked at the sudden voice.

Itachi looked as Saskue reached out as if to grab something, reaching for his arm as if Sasuke could hurt Sakura.

"Let's go Sasuke, it seems you're bored." Itachi said making an excuse, not caring that Sasuke was making a fuss when carrying him out.

Looking back Sasuke saw the figure jump off the bed and wave back at them "See you guys soon."


Itachi watched Sasuke tear up as they arrived back to their house.

"It's ok Sasuke, we'll see her soon again. She'll be fine" Itachi said to his little brother but knew those words were more for himself.

Taking off his sandals, he walked up the stairs after leaving his brother with his mother.

Sliding his door open and silently closing it behind him, it took so much out of him to hold back his tears. Ultimately he failed.

'This is my fault! If only I have been stronger' Itachi's cries in despair had only hurt the figure that was behind the door.

Mikoto covered her mouth. She was going to enter her son's room after putting Sasuke to sleep, but she ended up hearing his soft cries.

Walking towards the kitchen to finish up cooking for lunch she could only pray that Sakura would wake up soon for the sake of Itachi, as well as the rest of the family.

While she started to put the plates down for lunch she heard Itachi come down stairs as if nothing was wrong with him, but that only pained her more.

"Would you like some help mother?" Itachi asked, although she didn't answer he took the plates away from her "Yes, thank you Itachi"

Itachi nodded at his mother while putting one plate after another down, until he got to the fourth one.

"Four?" His gaze went back to his mother, sadness taking over his normal stare. Fugaku entered the house and immediately sensed the awkward atmosphere since his daughter had still not recovered.

"Oh." Mikoto looked down at the plate and back at Itachi. She ruffled his hair.

"It seems your mother made a mistake again. Let's just put this away" She grabbed the plate, putting it back in the cabinets.

Fugaku shot his wife a worried glance. She had still been setting up extra food and an extra plate for Sakura even though a month has passed with little progress seen to the doctors.

There was silence while the food was being served and even after they begun eating.

Suddenly, the door to their house bursted open as if a tornado had broken in.

Fugaku looked angry at the rudeness of the child in front of him, the one that had asked Itachi to participate in the war.

" You rud-" being cut off by the said boy


there was silence in the house before everyone stood up in a matter of seconds.

Mikoto ran into Sasukes' room, Itachi was running over rooftops, and Fugakus hands twitched as he crossed them waiting for Mikoto to grab Sasuke.

Everyone's goal in that household: get to the hospital quickly.

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