No...Not again.

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Sakura's P.O.V

I kept my eyes peeled all night.

I am close to Ame, narrowing my eyes I feel myself saying "Why... do I feel like something bad is going to happen". This whisper escaped my mouth as I heard a branch break.

Grabbing a kunai with my left hand I jumped into my stance kneeling on the ground. "Come out". As soon as I said that a snake appeared.

Lowering my kunai slightly the snake continued until it was in front of my face

"What does Orochimaru want now?" I rolled my eyes as the snake smiled.

"Nothing at all" the snake was sinking into the ground until I grabbed it and pulled it out.

Activating my sharingan I looked at the snake as it squirmed.

Closing my eyes I saw an image of Orochimaru. "What do you want?" I spat

"Oh just wondering... when you'll get here." he moved to the side only to see a woman on the ground crying.

"Shit! Are you kidding me?!" I pulled out of the jutsu and began to run as fast as I could to Ame.


3rd P.O.V

Sakura ran in the outskirts of Amegakure trying to find the sannin.

Sakura's head turned to the left sharply as she felt a chakra in distress. Quickly taking action she put the little chakra she had into the soles of her feet and jumped off a tree.

Arriving at a cave she saw blood splattered all over the place. Sakura ran towards the sannin ready.

Hands quickly grabbed her clothes in anxiety, that blood quickly became apart of her clothes.

"Y-you... p-please! Help him! I-I-I couldn't do anything, he's still alive!!" Tsunade pleaded to the little girl that was beyond exhausted. She pulled her in a hurried manner to the body.

Alive he was, but his chakra was fading at a rapid pace.

A hand touched Tsunade's shoulder "She can't do anything.... he's...gone" Tsunade's tears sprung back and fell like a waterfall

"p-please! I' anything!" The voice faded into a hoarse whisper. Sakura felt her heart drop to the floor as she heard her master cry for the 3rd time.

'Dan' Her hands were automatically placed to his chest, blue chakra slowly becoming green.

'I ... won't let my teacher suffer!' 

A minute passed as the two sannin watched the little girl heal the already known dead man.

Sakura's chakra was beginning to fade into blue again


A warning voice came from the white haired sannin, but it passed by her like a gust of wind. The other sannin seemed curious to see this technique that was taking her own chakra, practically her life.

"Sakura stop it." another warning and it still passed by Sakura. The blue light was dimming, the chakra barely covering her hands.

"Stop!" He grabbed her arms an took them off Dan.

"Don't touch me Jiraiya!" Sakura yelled in anger as she pulled away from Jiraiya.

'it seem's that the war has affected her as well... but she wasn't sent here for too long'

All the sannin were in shock when they heard Sakura yell.

"no!" as soon as Dan's life was rising, it skyrocketed down to zero.

"S.. See what you did! If.. If you let me save him he would still be with Tsunade" Sakura looked at her hands that were covered with the blood of Dan.

Tsunade cried into Jiraiya's arms, tears flowing endlessly.

"If you just let me-" "You would have died!" Jiraiya's fierce glare shocked Sakura.

"Sakura. You tried your best, but you can't save everyone! You are a child!" Black eyes started to flash red "'s ok" the hoarse voice came from Tsunade.

Tears started to form in the now red eyes of the Uchiha.

"I could have saved him!" Sakura sprinted, getting out of Ame territory and into the borders of Konoha after many hours of continuous running.

The rain continued to pour down on her. Sakura tripped on a root of a tall tree making her fall.

She panted and she laughed hysterically, looking up at the sky she lifted her arm and banged it on the ground, making it dent on the earth's surface.

"Ha! It seems even through all the experience I'm still not strong enough!" She sobbed loudly, but no tears came out. The rain seemed to be enough.

Sakura's eyes became heavy, shutting them, she was put in an endless darkness.

Reborn as an Uchiha?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang