Chapter Two: They call me the master of disguise.

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Out of all the things I have ever agreed to, this one has to be the most difficult- I'm completely out of my element, walzing around with a guy I barely know  to show him how truly shit our city is. But you know what they say; the best way to get over the guy you never really liked is to find a really hot one that lives next door to you!

You guys should try it. Trust me, it works!

"So..." Kent drags out the word and shuffles his feet. His awkwardness is too cute and paired with those glasses, he's the most adorable little bean ever. "Where are we going?" he asks, and I shrug in response, kicking a few pebbles out of the way. I catch the glance of an old lady acros the road and she points at Kent and winks. I swear it was Fanny.

"Our town's pretty rubbish, come to think of it. Wanna get some ice cream?" I offer and he nods in agreement. We set off toward The Ice Cream Factory, me excited- who's not excited for food?- and Kent nervous though I'm not sure why. I'm too captivated by the mere thought of ice cream to even ask. Food trumps all.

Yes even hot guys.

"How come your folks moved down here anyway? Weren't you from London?" It's my best attempt at not being awkward and it doesn't seem to work. He tilts his head to look at me sideways with a small smirk lighting up his features.

"No, I'm actually from Kent."

I try not to laugh, I really do. But I can't help it. A giggle bursts from my mouth and I laugh so hard I have tears in my eyes. "That was a really bad joke," I retort after catching my breath, a small blush covers his freckles.

"Says the person laughing," he counters, moving out of the way to allow someone to walk past. "Anyway, London was shite," he continues, "I mean it's loud and busy and all my friends lived there but this place is more serene." I look up and scoff at his comment.

"Well, that and the schools are good and well-equipted. The ones in London aren't very well funded for." It's his turn to blush and fiddle with the edge of his t-shirt. I smile reasurringly- he's just too cute for his own good.

"Wait until you meet the people. They're even better," the words are coated with as much sarcasm as I can muster through the awkwardnessbut Kent doesn't seem to understand.

"Really?" his eyes light up and I curse myself for getting his hopes up.

"Nope," I say, popping the 'p'. Luckily, before he can reply and make the situation worse, we reach the ice cream shop. Though it's Saturday, there are barely any people inside.

I'm glad. I don't think I could deal with so many people all at one time, it's bad enough being around all the plastic girls at Uni.

Kent opens the door for me and I step inside, attempting not to look like a freak as I inhale the delicious smell of ice cream.

I'm trying not to cry in happiness right now.

Trying and failing.

We grab a booth at the back of the parlour and Kent sits in front of me. "Welcome to The Ice Cream Factory!" I put on my best presenter voice and spread my hands out, gesturing at the amazing place.

The front of the shop is filled with cases of all the flavours of ice cream, the brightly coloured walls are covered with Mr. Whippy machines and the booths and tables painted with thousands upon thousands of desserts.

I'm in heaven right now.

"Wow," Kent says, staring wide-eyed at the shop. I stare at his shocked expression until he smiles, revealing his dimple once again.

Swoon. Swoon. Swoon.

He turns back to face me. "Can we eat now?" he sounds like an excitable child and I can help but stretch my smile.

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