Chapter Twenty Two: Why do I have to love food so much?

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Ice skating. Seriously, ice skating. Out of all the things Grant could've chosen to do for my birthday!

I mean, it's not exactly like I'm the most agile and balanced person in the world.

Though, in his defence, he'd chosen the most adorable area to watch me fall on my ass a couple hundred times. A beautiful frozen lake, just on the outskirts of our town, adorned with holly (which I fell into a fair few times) and beautiful winter flowers.

"Sunshine, you have to hold me," Grant mutters, his voice low and way too sexy. I roll my eyes and slide away from him.

"No," I cross my arms over my chest in defiance. It's not like I really need his help anyway. His hand reaches out for mine and I slide away once more- though this time it wasn't on purpose, I'm just way too unsteady on the ice.

"Yes," he argues, moving towards me slightly. As I'm about to slip away from him again, I loose balance, my legs flying up into the air before-

I'm caught. A large hand is holding my own.

Grant pulls me up into his chest and I let him wrap his arms around me.

I tell myself its because its cold.

It is cold. 

"Sunshine, why do you never listen to me?" he rolls his eyes- damn he looks sexy doing that too!- and moves my hands so they rest on his shoulders. 

"Because you're annoying!" I mumble, not making eye contact with him. Grant pulls me further into his chest, knocking all the air out of me. I stumble slightly, almost slipping again. Grant, on the other hand, is somehow steady.

"But I know how to ice skate and I have fallen over yet," he counters and I push him lightly, rolling my eyes once more. "Look, I'll guide us."

He begins to move, slowly at first, gliding around the lake as if we're dancing. I let him lead; I enjoy the feeling of his large hand holding mine. We skate around, looping and laughing.

I feel free. I feel safe.

Grant pulls me back into him, but too hard, causing him to topple onto the ice and for me to land on top of him with a squeal. He both stare at each other, eyes locked; we're both frozen, immersed in one another.

Grant breaks the silence by bursting out laughing. Its sets me off too, giggling and leaning into his warmth. I let myself sink into his chest, until our noses are almost touching, my hands resting on the freezing ice above his head. He sobers almost immediately, his eyes staring into mine.

I'm scared at what he'll find, what he'll see.

I'm holding my breath. Waiting. Wondering. Staring into his deep blue orbs.

His eyes flit down to my lips and I exhale slightly, my heart hammering and my hands becoming clammy and slick with sweat. 

"Kendall I-" 

He's interrupted by a shout in the distance. "Hey! Get the fuck off my land you fucking morons!" 

Grant and I jump apart form each other in an instant. He grabs my hand and pulls me to the side of the lake. "Shit," he mutters under his breath, over and over again. He unlaces our skates and throws them into the fabric bag he brought along with us. My socks are beginning to get wet from the icy grass and I quickly slip on my winter boots. Grant slides on his shoes and turns to face me.

"Kendall, get down. He's probably gonna come down any second and when he does we're gonna run over there to the car."

I turn to face Grant with a frown, "Why do you always get me into shit?" I whisper shout as footsteps become louder and louder, crunching on the delicate sheet of snow. Grant's smile drops and I nudge him with a smirk, "I'm joking idiot."

He throws me the most beautiful smile and my breath hitches slightly. I scold myself but he grabs my hand, causing a wave of butterflies to swarm into my stomach and a jolt to go through my arm. 

Ugh, Grant Mitchell what are you doing to me?

"Show yourselves!" The man screams, his boots making a crunching sound on the crisp snow. Grant tightens his grip on my hand, causing me to shift further towards his warmth. I can just see the glimpse of the man- around six foot of muscle and no hair. He looks as if he could snap Grant in half.

We're going to die.

I may be slightly over reacting.

Before the man gets any closer, Grant drags me up and yanks me next to him. "Sunshine, run!" he shouts, dragging me behind him as he sprints towards the car.

"Get back here!" the man yells behind us, but he's far away. Relief floods through me as we near the car and I let go of Grant's hand, out of breath and hunched over like an old woman.

Everything hurts! 

Ugh, why do I have to love food so much?

Before I can open the car door, I'm engulfed by familiar cologne. Grant wraps his arms around me and rests his chin on my head. I'm not even that small (I'm a five foot seven kinda girl) but in his arms, I feel like a tiny china doll.

My heart is thumping erratically and butterflies are fluttering around in the pit of my stomach. I gulp heavily as Grant pulls me further into his chest, tightening his arms around me so I'm flush against him. My cheek heat slightly and I shiver when I feel his hot breath fanning the side of my face.

"Happy birthday Kendall," he whispers, against my skin. I shiver into him; I can feel his smirk on the side of my face.

Stupid jerk.


Hey guys,

As you can see I'm back with another food related chapter. We all know how much Kendall loves it.


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Question: Who'd like to see a Grrrant chapter?

I may have one prepared...

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Amber Rose x

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