Broken Promises

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I'm broken. Fractured. There is no fix that could change me. The pictures I paint on my face are cracking. My heart is frozen in my chest– unmoving, not daring to beat in fear of fracturing under the strain of love.

Lies. There are so many lies. Underneath the bullshit. The promises. The endless laughs. The love.

The things I am promised are fake. There is no such thing as true happiness, it is only a mask hiding pain. Every goodbye and hello has been a lie and I wonder what is worse.

To be in love.

Or to be lied to.

Because I am struggling to pinpoint the pain I am feeling right now.

I think it's both.

To love you must trust.

To trust, you love.

You cannot have one without the other.

I have lost both.

All because of him.

All because I let my heart go. I let it thump to its own beat, the matching pace of his heart.

All because I let my mind wander. To the future. To what life would be like after this game. With him in my arms.

No, I think, no. Don't hold on to what could've been. But I can't help it. I can't help but wonder why he hurt me so deeply.

I wonder,

How is my heart still beating? How am I still alive? When I feel dead inside.

How am I walking away? How am I not crying? How have I not collapsed into myself? How am I breathing?

Without him.

Maybe it's because I'm holding onto someone else.

I may be alone, but for tonight, I can fall with another.

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