Chapter Thirty Three: Is it?

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"This is the best thing for her," my father motions to the crisp white sheets of paper work lying on the counter top. "It's time Grant." He grabs a pen from the table and begins to fill in the empty boxes, the ones that will change my sisters life forever.

"You're being awfully selfish right now," I say, stepping towards the counter top in some lame attempt to stop him from signing the forms resting in front of him.

"Like I said Grant, this is not for me. It is for Lacy and her needs and she needs to be somewhere that can support her. I think the only person being selfish here is you."

I scoff, and runs my hands through my hair aggressively. I don't want to upset my dad but I can't let Lacy down.

"Maybe I am. But I love her. And I know what's best for her. Because I've been her carer for nine years now and I've seen her grow into this amazing little girl. And I've watched her make friends and have so much fun at the school she's at so please dad I'm begging you, don't change any of it."

For a second, I see his resolve soften. Only enough to push the papers away and click down the nib of his biro. "What makes you think that this new special school won't be better for her?" he questions, his eyes meeting mine for just a moment.

I take a deep breath. "Because a sudden change in her life is startling and makes her really stressed. Don't put that kind of pressure on her when she's excelling at school. Why would you want to take that away from her? Take her friends away from her? And she'd need a new carer. Hannah and me wouldn't be able to go all the way to Kingswood it's too far. Are you really going to compromise her happiness so you can do whatever the fuck you want without giving a shit about her?" Anger slips through my polite tone and I scold myself for it.

"Do not speak to me in that tone young man." My father warns, his own anger beginning to shine through past his initial clam manner. He begins to pick up the paper work once more in an attempt to sign Lacy off.

I slam my fist on the counter hard. "I'll speak to you how I want if you're going to be a selfish bustard with no thought of the wellbeing of your only daughter."

My father's gaze returns to me, this time stern and incredibly serious. "I said do not speak to me like that. And this is actually none of your business so get the hell out!"

I don't move. For once I don't let him bully me into submission and instead I stay staring at the man who hates everyone apart from himself.

"No," I grab the papers off the counter as fast as I can and rip them in half. "I said she isn't going."

My dad moves around the counter to face me- we're the same height now and so are staring straight into each others eyes. His eyes are burning into mine and I want to look away but I physically can't because if I do he's won.

"You're not her father," his angry tone doesn't surprise me, in fact, I was expecting it from him.

"I might as well be considering I do everything for her. You don't give a shit about her. You never did and you never will!" I shout, my anger all consuming. It's coursing through my veins and I relish in the taste of the bitterness of my tongue and the frustration in my heart.

Suddenly, I feel something plough into my face. A fist. Hard. And I don't want to stumble back but for some reason I can't help myself.

"How dare you boy!" he screams in my face, but I'm numb to his pathetic attempt to intimidate me.

I rub my stinging cheek and step towards him. "I love Lacy so much. She is the most beautiful person in the whole entire world. Why can't you see that?"

I move past him, through the hallway and out the door. I let the front door slam begin me- the echo of the sound rings through my ears even as I begin to move off the property.

My phone pings in my pocket and I stare down at the notification.

New voicemail.

"Grant it's Kendall. Again. I was just wondering how you are. And how Lacy is. And I hope everything's okay with your family. And also I'm really really sorry so can we meet to talk about everything that happened? I just wanna know how you are. And I want you to know how sorry I am. Truly. I love you. I love you so so much Grant."

I pull my phone from my ear the moment the message is over. I don't want to hear her voice. After what she did. With him.

Guilt begins to run through me. Because I left her in the park. And I kissed Serena. And if none of that happened I wouldn't be here. And she'd be with me. And I could tell her I loved her too.

But I can't think about her right now. Kendall was my past and now, Lacy is my future.

So with shaking hands, I slam my phone into the floor. It shatters the moment it hits the rough concrete, the glass splintering along the screen. Some parts break off, leaving a blank screen and the echo of her beautiful voice.

And as I walk away, I think about how easy it is to mask your broken heart.

Is it easy to hide your pain Kendall?

Is it?


So my writers block vanished and I managed to finish this book. I thought cliffhanger might entice me to write an extra short story or something but also there is something so beautiful about a book that has ended but is seemingly unfinished.

I know you wanted a romantic novel but I love a cliffhanger so I hope you don't mind.

Also unanswered questions might lead to a couple of extra chapters as one shots? Maybe in 2020?

Im ending 2019 with a completed book and I'm happy. I hope you've enjoyed this novel. Thank you for supporting me through my irregular updates.

Love you all,

Amber Rose x

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