Chapter Twenty: Good thing I love Lego Batman

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When we arrive back home from the play area–Caleb disappointed, me angrier than I have ever been–I'm surprised to find Grant sat on my doorstep. Before I have the chance to ask him anything, my mum opens the door and embraces Caleb.

"Hey Kendall, where's Maria? " she asks, ushering Caleb inside. I dip my head, not wanting to talk about my argument with Maria just yet.

" I'll tell you later mum. I'm just gonna stay out her for a bit," I mutter, and I pushing the argument to the back of my mind. My mum shoots a worried look in Grant's direction and signals for me to sit down next to him. I nod.

"OK, I'll bring you out some hot chocolate. Are you sure you don't want a blanket or something Grant? It is cold out here."

Grant shakes his head at my mum and I cast a nervous look in his direction, gnawing on my lip. He looks dishevelled–heavy bags drag down his deep blue eyes, his face looks sallow and sickly and his hair is a mess, a tangle of dark curls.

He runs his hand down the side of his face and pulls his legs into his chest with a shiver. I settle down next to him, our arms almost touching. I'm trying to find something to say, but all I can concentrate on is the sparks flying up my arms.

"I'm sorry," Grant mutters, resting his hand on my knee. I glance down at it for a second, not bothering to move it from my leg. Instead, I lean into him, letting his cologne engulf me.

"Why are you apologising?" I ask, allowing myself one glance into his deep blue eyes. He sighs, threading his hands through his hair.

"I'm interrupting your day with Caleb."

I smile into my jacket, "Who said I came back for you?"

Grant casts me a sexy smirk. "Darling, they always do." He slips his hand into mine and I try not to shiver when his large hand engulfs mine. I roll my eyes instead and lift my head up to look at him for a moment.

"Seriously though. You didn't interrupt anything."

Grant turns serious for a second, his voice low but sexy as hell, "I tried to call you." My voice catches in my throat and the phone in my back pocket feels heavy. I bite back my guilt and snuggle closer to Grant.

He shivered.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact I want to be close to him.

Not at all.

I swear.

"The thing is... I might act like I have shit tonnes of friends and family. And yeah people might obsess over me, but I don't really have anyone at all...Apart from you." He glances down at me and I'm not quick enough to slide my gaze away from his tired face.

"Sunshine stop staring," he adds with a smirk, though I catch the glint of sadness behind those deep gems. I scowl at him before softening my features.

"So, what's the matter?"

Grant let's out a deep sigh and pulls me further into his chest. "My dad wants Lacy to go to a school for special children."

Questions swirl through my head at lightning speed and I struggle to wrap my head around what he just said. "What–"

Before I've uttered one word, the front door is opened and my mum pushes her head through the gap. "Hot chocolate!" she smiles widely at us and opens the door further to set the tray onto the porch. We thank her in unison and reach for the hot beverage, glad for the warmth in the cold afternoon. My mum produces a fluffy throw from behind her and hands it to Grant, not taking his protests at all.

His lip is quivering from the cold and goosebumps have spread up his arms like a sickly rash. When my mum leaves, making sure we're both fine, Grant turns back to me with a soft smile lighting up his features.

It's so strange to see him without his sexy smirk but I can't help but prefer the softer side of the player. I gulp down my drink, getting whipped cream on my cheek in the process. "Why would your sister need to go to a special school?" I ask, wrapping myself and Grant in the fluffy blanket.

He takes a gulp of the chocolaty deliciousness before launching into an explanation. "She has Down Syndrome. Not that makes any difference to how fucking amazing she is. People think that just because she struggles to speak and takes longer to develop than a normal child she doesn't deserve to be treated like one."

"Your dad?" I ask, and he nods, chewing on his lip–I've noticed it's something he does when he's angry.

"He's such a prick. Thinks that because he owns this stupid corporation that he can treat everyone like shit. Especially her. He treats her like shit. She doesn't need to go to a school specifically for her needs. She loves her school... She's happy, I she gets support and she's doing amazing. I just hate how everyone assumes that she's incapable of being a normal."

I nod, opening my mouth to speak but Grant cuts me off. "If you say you're sorry, I'm gonna flip."

Shaking my head, I slide my hand over his again. "She sounds beautiful."

I glance up at Grant to see he's staring at me, his eyes glossy with tears. I try not to get lost in the moment, I try to remember that he's my enemy.

But somehow, I've forgotten who I'm fighting.

"Let's go inside. My mum's probably put on Lego Batman."

Grant smiles at me. "Good thing I love Lego Batman." 


Hey everyone!

Thank you so much for all your support so far! I really hope you're enjoying his book as much as I am writing!

Please do vote and comment and tell me what you loved and what I could do to improve this chapter or the book as a whole.

Maybe its make the Authors Note shorter! (I know I seriously need to to do that)

Dedication: To the lovely @Jsamoril for voting on this book! Thank you so much for your support it means so much to me <3

Question: What do you guys think of Grant's confession? Anyone SUPER surprised he was hiding someone special?

Thank you all again.


Amber Rose x

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