Chapter Twenty Four: I'm glad there is still some normality in my life.

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"I just need to stop off at the petrol station," Jack mutters, causing Maria to groan loudly and roll her eyes at him. He smirks, reaching over to brush her knee; my best friend merely pushes his hand away and mutters a rather stroppy 'OK' in response. I'm sat at the back of the car, being ignored by the smitten couple- though Maria would deny this and roll her eyes in the cracked-up way she usually does, the way she stares at him and edges closer so their hands brush just proves my point.

The car screeches to a halt outside some mainstream gas station and I'm thrust forward, the seatbelt momentarily stabbing me in the stomach with an iron fist. I gasp loudly, desperate to pry the death belt off me but then I'm thrown backwards into the seat, my head hitting the headrest with a loud thump. I groan, rubbing the back of my head, while the couple look on, too obsessed with each other to see my pain.

Who put Jack in the driver's seat?

And how is Maria putting up with it?

She complains about my driving so often I'm surprised she's not shouting at him for his amazing skills. 

Jack steps out the car with ease, everything about him screams wealth and elegance- from his pale grey blazer jacket to his Levis jeans and his Gucci shoes. Not to mention his sweet ride- the newest model of Lamborghini. The moment the door shuts with a gentle thud, I turn to Maria with an inquisitive stare. "Care to explain?" I ask, and she smiles shyly at me. I see a blush?

Maria Francis never blushes!

"I met him at theatre. He kinda took me under his wing like his little sister to begin with. I mean, I was still dating Connor then so I wasn't that bothered. He was really there for me when me and Con broke up. It just kinda went from there," she explains- I can't help but detect a biting remark when she mentions her break up.

"How come I never heard of him before?" I mumble, not wanting to take the bait and cause an argument. Maria knows I'm always here for her if she needs anything. Just as she's about to reply, Jack taps on the glass, motioning for her to pass over his wallet, she complies, winding down the window to reveal his attractive face. 

"Thanks beautiful," he mutters, placing a kiss on her red lips. Maria giggles and I can't help but smile at the two of them.

She deserves to be happy.

When he stalks away again, this time into the small shop, my best friend turns back to me with a huge smile. "We were never a thing before. Plus, you've been so busy with Grant I thought you wouldn't want to spend time with me. Though I have to say, you've been corresponding with the enemy a lot recently," her comment is laced with humour- she's only teasing me the way she always does.

 I'm glad there is still some normality in my life.

"Well you know me, out to get the players," I wink and she laughs, tossing her flaming hair behind her. When she sobers up, I address the topic that we've been skirting around for the past hour, "So did you go on a date with Kent? I'm guessing my matchmaking skills weren't as successful this time."

Maria smiles at me, reaching out to touch my hand. It feels so long ago that we've spoken to each other. Maybe she's right.

I've been spending too much time plotting Grant's downfall that I haven't really spent that much time with her.

Not that I've really been planning ways to destroy him.

More like ways to make him smile.

"Honey, when have your matchmaking skills ever been successful?" she musters through a laugh; I squint my eyes at her, trying to throw my dirtiest look her way, she merely deflects it with a beaming smile.

"Brody and Serena? I basically got them two going!" I suggest but my best friend brushes it away with the flick of her hand. 

"Didn't you hear? They broke up."

I stare at her, open-mouthed for a few minutes- Maria has to physically pick my jaw up off the floor. "What?"

"Yeah," Maria babbles on, nodding her head. "They're not together. He broke it off with her."

I'm not exactly surprised there relationship wasn't very lengthy.

I mean, they did start out behind a P.E office so I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did.

Four months is quite a milestone for Brody Adams.

"And about Kent. He's a great guy, just not the guy for me- too smart and over-calculating. Besides, he fully has a thing for you." Maria's expression turns into one I can't comprehend but after a second it's gone and she's smiling at me again.

"So, tell me more about how they broke up," I say, smirking as a full-blown smile comes onto her lips. She spends the next couple minutes explaining very single detail of their breakup- from where it happened to why.

God I've missed this.

I really have.


Bet your thinking 'did she really just do that?'

Yes...yes I did.

I had to do a double update this week. I am just realllllllly loving writing this book right now! Your comments and votes are really getting me through this book so much. if it wasn't for your support this book wouldn't exist.

I am so thankful for everything you guys are doing to support this book. Your comments are amazing and so positive and i love reading and responding to them all. You guys are literally the best fans and readers ever thank you so much.

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Thank you so much again!


Amber Rose x

P.s- Sorry for the long A/N

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