Chapter Three: Let's destroy the bad boy.

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"So you kissed him?" Maria screeches down the phone so loud that I have to pull it away from the side of my face. I cringe, pushing my feet out onto my bed in an awkward stretch. My head is spinning from what happened in the Ice Cream Factory. The second Brody and Serena sat down, I bolted- a very confused and shocked Kent in tow-and managed to hide myself away in my room without my mum or siblings noticing my sudden arrival.

I've been in here for five hours!

I don't know how I'm coping at all.

It's almost like I'm stuck on a desert island. Well, more like a dessert island because I've got chocolate, cheescake and ice cream with me.

At least I won't starve.

"Yes!" I shout, sighing loudly before slumping into my blanket. Maria screams again and I can't help but cringe away form the noise once more. She gets way too carried away. I mean its not as if this happens all the time.

Do you note my sarcasm? Good. We can move along now.

"Was it good?" she sounds happy for me, though I don't understand why. Only yesterday was she worried about my strange - and highly damaging- habit of dating players. Well, I guess Kent doesn't count because he's pretty much a walking, talking computor.

  I sigh again and coil myself into a ball. "Does that matter? Anyway, he's not even my type." I'm lying. I know I'm lying and I'm annoyed at myself for not admitting how attractive the guy is.

"OK," she says, clearly unconvinced at my denial.

Ugh, curse you Maria Jones!

"Well, to take your mind off it, why don't we go to a party?" she offers but I turn it down immediately, not in the mood for any kind of socialisation.

"Why not?"

I sigh again, shrugging though she can't see me. "It's OK to miss one party. It's not like anyone expects me to go anyway."

Maria tuts loudly down the phone. I can just imagine her rolling her eyes. "You know you're the most popular girl at school right? Everyone, literally everyone expects you to go!"

Rolling my eyes I reply, "Fine, fine! I'll go. But only because I need to put my plan into action."

My mouth turns up in a smirk bigger than Africa. "You better not be smiling like the Cheshire cat!" Maria shouts. A blush creeps up on my cheeks as I say goodbye.

"See you in a bit!" is the last thing I hear before the line goes dead.

What the hell have I agreed to?

Before I get ready, I sent a quick text to my boss, asking for any over time work. I curse myself for not asking sooner as my mum's job isn't really paying for much right now.

It doesn't take me long to get ready as I don't tend to wear much makeup. I slip on a white jumpsuit and some heels and add a layer of lip gloss to my lips. Smiling, I grab my only purse and head down the stairs.

Only my mum is awake; I find her in the living room, binge watching all the Harry Potter films. Heavy bags hand under her eyes and it's clear she hasn't slept properly for a while. I feel bad for leaving her here alone but I try to ignore the guilt and instead I pull a smile onto my face and sit down next to her on the sofa.

"You look lovely. Where you off to?" she asks, lifting her eyes from the television. I glance at the empty bottle of wine on the table and pull her into a hug, feeling dampness of my cheeks. She's been crying. I try to ignore the pain welling in my stomach.

"Just a party. Is that OK? I'll be back by midnight," I say, wiping the mascara off her cheeks. She smiles slightly at me, her dark eyes sad.

"Sure. I think I'm gonna have an early night," she picks up the wine glass and swirls the leftover drink around. "Be safe," she adds and I nod in agreement.

"Of course. Will you be alright? I don't want d-" I start but she cuts me off.

"He's not coming back, Kendall," she wipes the tears from her eyes and fixes me with a determined look. "We don't need him."

I nod. "I know. I just worry."

The doorbell frightens me and I jump off the sofa, a nervous feeling settling in my stomach. I head towards the door, my feet carrying me slowly. Turning back to face my mum, I see she looks scared too- her eyes wide and a few tears escaping down her face. My hands are shaking and sweat begins to drip down my palms. But when I open the door Maria embraces me in a warm hug.

All my fear evaporates.

"Hey! You ready to go?" she asks, watching me with confusion. I gulp nervously and nod. Her face drops. "Oh, god Kendall I'm sorry! I should've called instead of just turning up. Did you think it was him?"

I drop my gaze to the floor and turn to face my mum without answering her question. "I'll be back," I say and she nods, gulping down the last of the wine.

"I love you Kendall," she mutters, but her soft voice still reaches me. A sad  smile creeps onto my lips.

"I love you too, mum."

I swivel around to face Maria once again, my shock and worry dissolving into determination. "Ready?" she asks me, taking my hand the moment I close the door.

I pocket my keys and fix her a smirk. "I'm so ready! Let's destroy the bad boy."

Grant Mitchell, you better watch out. 

I'm out for blood.


I've got my Monster Munch and strawberry milkshake so I think we are ready to gooo!

Hello Wattpaders!

I have missed you though it has only been a week. Oh well...have you missed me too?

Thank you so much for reading this book it means the literal world to me! I read and finished a really good book today and it reminded me just how much I love writing!

If you enjoyed this chapter then please vote and comment and prehaps share with your wattpad friends and your peers and your ordinary friends (ha...what friends are truly ordinary?)

We are so close to meeting Grant! I literally can't wait and I hope you guys are excited too.

There might even be an early update just for it....

But I'm not sure yet. If you are too desperate to see Grant then I guess you are all gonna have to pledge your case in the comments! (Joking! Unless you honestly need the stupid player like right now...)

I love you all and I really hope you keep reading! Anything I can do to improve?

Dedication: @EmilyNicoleC for giving me some greta feedback on this book! Thank you soo much babe! <3

Question: What is your favourite book of all time? (I seriously don't have one at all! There are too many that are too good!)


Amber Rose x

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