Chapter Twenty Six: It's hard work doing not a lot.

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"Kendall, I am so sorry I called Grant and ruined your night. I was just so worried–" I cut off my best friend and pull her into a hug.

"Maria, its fine. Plus I have more pressing matters, like how to get out of this netball trial."

And how I may have confessed God knows what to Grant.

Maria throws a smirk at me and we pull away. We start towards the humanities block as she replies, "God Kendall how did you manage to be pressurised by the plastics with your status?" She tosses her red hair over her shoulder and smiles brightly to someone in the corridor. I glance over and see the familiar figure of Jack. Nausea fills me as I think back to the gaps in my memory from the party.

Jack smiles and waves at us; my hand moves by itself, waving back at Maria's boyfriend. I expect Maria to stop but she pulls me on, ignoring my confused glance in her direction.

"They're hard to deny," I mumble, my eyes shifting back to Jack. He smiles brightly at me before turning away and heading towards the science block.

"Well, I can't wait to see Serena get beat," she replies, smirking at me once more.


Unfortunately, Serena's not the one getting beat. 

"Kendall, c'mon!" Grant shouts angrily as the ball once again flies away from the hoop. I sigh heavily as Serena throws the ball toward the hoop- the ball slips straight into it and bounces back into her slender, tanned arms. 

Some plastic girls around the edge of the court are cheering me on. From the way they're yelling, it sounds like I'm the best player they've ever seen.

Which is an extreme exaggeration considering Grant is yelling profanities at me. "Just shoot the ball Kendall. For God Sake!"

I roll my eyes and shake my head at him. How does he not get that I have no hand-eye coordination in any way?

I am not a sporty person.

But if eating lots of food was a sport, I'd be winning.

Because it's literally all I can do.

A whistle declares the end of the trial and I huff, placing my hands on my knees to support my exhaustion.

It's hard work doing not a lot.

The rest of the netball team file onto the court, smiling animatedly my way and throwing dirty looks at Serena.

I'm pretty sure I'm the one they should be scowling at.

After all I totalled a grand score of zero in comparison to Serena's ten.

"So we've made our decision," a girl–I believe her name is Penny– shouts through what I think should be a smile, her face is just so plastered in makeup I'm not sure. Every on looker takes a step closer and silence falls in the courtyard.

"We want Kendall to join the team! Sorry Serena, better luck next time," she says through the fakes smile in the world. I swear I hear a mumble of "bitch" swim through the netball team.

They all cheer, pulling me into a giant hug. I tense up the moment they touch me, not relaxing until their vice like grip is gone. They all swarm around me, smiling and saying what a great job I did.

One girl said she couldn't believe that I scored so much.

I think she forgot to take her rose-tinted glasses off.

All the girls instantly stop and I stare at them, confused. Two strong arms wind their way around my waist and I'm hit with Grant's familiar cologne. I lean into his embrace, momentarily forgetting the plastics staring at us.

That is until they gasp and coo at us. I bite back a remark that threatens to slip through my bared teeth, and pull away from Grant to take his hand.

"C'mon sunshine, let's go," he mutters into my ear and I let him carry me away from the desperate girls who make no effort to hide that they're checking out Grant.

That's my boyfriend, you know.

Guys, I know what your thinking: that joke was hilarious and I just have to be a comedian.

I know. I know.

As we round the corner, away from prying eyes, Grant bursts into a fit of laughter. "Oh my god," he gasps in between deep chuckles. "That was the funniest thing I've ever seen you do! You looked like a fucking idiot Kendall. What kind of p-person can't even catch a ball!"

My face slips into a frown and I state at him blankly. Grant registers my face and sobers up in an instant, though his eyes are still dancing with humour.

"Mature, Grant. Real mature," I mumble, a beautifully vibrant blush rising up my cheeks.

He tries to touch my waist and pull me into his arms but I push him back. "God, it was so embarrassing. Why do I let them convince me to do stuff like this?"


I cut him off. "No Grant, you don't get it. Everything I do, fail or not, they don't care. They don't even see that I can't throw or catch. Serena deserved that place, not me. I got it because people think I'm this amazing person who deserves everything. I'm not OK. I'm not."

I feel the well of tears begin my eyes but I push them back, not wanting Grant to see my vulnerability. "Even Maria thinks I have some kind of status to uphold. Why are you the only person in this shitty place that treats me like the idiot I am?"

Grant laughs gently, pulling me into his arms. This time I let him. I let his hand fall around my waist. I let the other push it's way into my hair.

"You're not an idiot, Kendall. You're just a clumsy mess most of the time," he smiles down at me, his thumb gliding across my cheek.

I let myself lean into his touch. I let him push me against the cool brick of the wall behind me. I let him pull me even closer to his chest.

His lips are centimetres from mine. His deep blue eyes staring straight into my own.

For once, I'm not scared of what he'll find.

For once, I revel in it.

"Guys PDA much?" I turn my head away from Grant to see Penny smirking at us. Her eyes don't stay on me long, their already drifting towards Grant's ass. I roll my eyes and push Grant away, not really wanting him to comply.

But he does.

I hate that he does.


Hello my wonderful readers!

I just want to take a moment to thank you all for supporting this book.

I didn't realise how difficult it would be to write another book after The Kissing Contract. I'm always comparing this book to that one.

But I'm prouder of TPW.

Thank you all so much for voting commenting sharing!

I love you all!

If you enjoyed this chapter and are looking forward to what's to come then please vote and comment. It means so much to me.

Dedication: @CaitePosey for voting on every chapter! Thank you so much ❤️

Question: Who do you thinks gonna fall first? Grant or Kendall.

Have any of you changed your team? #teamgrant #teamkent

Comment who's team you're on!

Thank you again. Sorry for the late one.


Amber Rose x

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