Chapter 22- More Than Friends

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(Chapter 22- More than Friends)

"Hey guys what's going on?" I asked from the door way of Chase's house.

Crystal, Josh and Chase were standing outside his house on the walkway talking. What I can't figure out is what they are doing here. I didn't even know they knew where Chase lived. I guess I was wrong.

"Honey, I thought you were going to sleep?" Chase said.

"Honey?" I questioned raising an eyebrow at him.

Ok that was a little weird. Why did Chase just call me honey? And why did I like it? I don't like Chase right? We're just friends that's all. I mean sure he is looking hot and all plus I have this strange pull to him but come on Ashlyn get your head strait. This is exactly what your not supposed to be thinking!

"I...I...It was a joke." He laughed nervously.

"Oh." I said in disappointment. "I was asleep but then I heard noises down here so I can to see what it was."

I don't know why but that stung a little. Chase was just joking. Well that's what you get for thinking things like that for your best friend Ashlyn. Don't set yourself up for anymore disappointment. Now that I've settled that I wonder why they are here.

"Not to be rude or anything but what are you guys doing here?" I asked Josh and Crystal.

" tried to call you earlier but you were asleep so Chase answered and said you were here." Crystal explained. For some reason I wasn't buying it though.

"Oh did you need to see me for something?"

"No just wanted to see if maybe you felt like hanging out. After all we haven't seen each other in -" Crystal quickly stopped herself like she realized she said something she shouldn't."A few hours." She finished.

"Ok but why is Josh here?" I asked.

"He came to see me. We have to go see the coach at school." Chase quickly said.

Do you ever get that feeling like you know everyone is in on something but you? Well I feel that way right now and it's very upsetting. Maybe I could get it out of Crystal later.

"So you're leaving me?" I pouted. Something about me didn't want to let Chase leave.

"Don't worry I won't be gone long." Chase smiled then wrapped his arms around me." I just have to take care of some stuff."

"Fine but bring me back a burger from Ian's please." I said sweetly and smiled. This always worked on Chase.

"How about I take you there when I get back? It is a Friday night after all." Chase said.

"That would be great." I said excitement clear in my voice.

"Ok see you then." Chase said placing a kiss on my head and leaving with Josh.

Before they left I could almost swear I seen Josh giving Crystal a loving look. I wonder what that was about. I don't think he even knows her to be honest. Maybe something has changed since summer? I don't remember them talking today.

"What do you want to do?" Crystal asked.

"Talk, I have a few questions." I said pulling her in the house and closing the door.

"About what?" Crystal questioned cautiously.

"Me it feels like I'm messing something." I confessed.

"Like what?"

"I don't know but something just feels off and then I am having these weird feelings for Chase, he is acting different to. Maybe Italy did something to him." I said.

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