Ryan Bergara

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"Trust me, Ryan. I'll be your protector..."

Ryan fought the voice, he fought the cold hands that were gripping onto him, holding him down. His body ached in pain, the hands growing stronger and stronger. 


Ryan tried screaming for help. His words soon faded, he couldn't hear himself. Ryan whined, his back soon turning frozen. There was more, here with the original force. Shane, come soon! Ryan continued to scream, more and more. He wouldn't give up hope now, Shane was most likely coming, and he'll be saved now! 

The thought of hope gave him strength. He kept kicking and struggled to free himself from the icy hands. 


His eyes widened as a new voice hit him. It was much softer than the spirit's voice. Much familiar. It was as if he knew who it was...

"Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan!" The voice continued. Ryan shut his eyes, giving up his battle. He knew he wouldn't ever win. He was just weak. Weak ol' Ryan Bergara. 

Now with his eyes shut, he can finally focus on the voice, the voice that gave him hope and warmth. It was deeper than his, and the spirit's voice. The way he spat his R's out was much different than the spirit's. He knew it wasn't the spirit's voice... But who was it?

"Ryan Steven Bergara!"

Shane... It was Shane!

Ryan quickly opened his eyes, he wasn't in the room no more, but instead, in a different place, a much nicer one.

"Dude, what the hell is your problem?" 

Ryan sat up, breathing heavily. Shane was standing in front of him. The thought of Shane made him tear up, a thing he hasn't done for so long. He was alive, and Shane saved him. Ryan sat up and hugged Shane, squeezing him a bit, like what a little boy would do to his mother when all sad. 

He buried his head in Shane's shoulder, letting the tears roll out and soak into Shane's shirt. It was just a memory. A memory of yesterday.

"Why are you all like this?" Shane pulled Ryan off him. Ryan watched as Shane wiped the tears rolling from his small eyes. He was glad to know Shane has his back, and was there to cheer him up. "Had a nightmare?"

Ryan had to admit- he was acting all babyish now. Ever since yesterday, he felt all soft, as if something was wrong with him. Ryan hasn't ever felt this way in such a long time. What was happening with him?

He looked up at his friend, who was waiting for a response. His eyes were now soaked with tears. Shane, once again, wiped the tears away. Ryan hugged Shane once more, while quietly thanking Shane for saving him. 

"You're a mess, you should really go and clean up now." 

Shane helped Ryan up out of the motel's bed they were staying in. His bear feet touched the ruff sandpaper-like carpet laid across the room. His head ached, a slight ringing sound echoed in his ears. His whole body ached, and Ryan wanted this pain to stop.

Ryan listened to what Shane had said, and he walked over to the bathroom. The bright light made him flinch as he flicked the light switch. He quietly hissed as his eyes adjusted to the light. Ryan shut the door behind him and locked it. He looked into the mirror. Shane was right, he was a mess. His clothes from yesterday were still on, there was some bandages on him. Strange, he barely remembered last night.

Ryan paused in his steps as he noticed all he could see was the color black. He panicked. What's happening to me?!  Ryan tried opening his eyes. Maybe he just shut them on accident. It took Ryan to realize his eyes were open, but why was this darkness the only thing he saw?

Ryan couldn't see or feel anything, but he could hear. There was too many sounds to make out: running water, humming, and two voices. Wait... How was he able to hear two voices? 

"Ryan, quit the talking!" That was Shane's voice, Ryan easily pointed out.

"Shut up, bitch!" 

It took Ryan a couple seconds to realize the new voice was his, but he didn't say that. Not at all. He can't say anything now. Was he possessed? No, he couldn't be. Or maybe the spirit he encountered possessed him? 

Ryan soon saw the light, he was staring at the mirror, dripping with water. His scratches were bleeding, some were slightly deep, but not enough for stitches. Ryan searched the cabinets for bandages. He searched for a dark towel. All he could find was his towel he was using. 

Ryan wiped the bright-colored blood off of the scratches. He knew this color would stain the towel, but at least it wouldn't soak into his fresh clothes. Once the blood finely slowed down, Ryan managed to get his fresh clothing on. He left the bathroom and went to search for bandages. 

"Hey Shane, where are the bandages?" Ryan looked around the room. Shane wasn't here. That was odd. 

Ryan pushed the bandage thought out of his mind and went to search for Shane. He checked in rooms, outside, in the car, and some reason, in the fridge. It was pretty large, and maybe Shane was just planning on scaring him. Ryan walked up to the closet. He rotated the door knob. Locked. He tried again. Locked. Or the door was just stuck.

Ryan looked around for something to get the door open. A chair? No. His fist? If Ryan were to damage the door, he would be paying to replace it.

Ryan noticed out of the corner of his eyes something silver. It was reflecting off of the sunlight. Bingo. It was the key. He ran to grab it, his feet were now protected from the sandpaper-like carpet because of his socks. Ryan headed towards the closet door. He looked at the tiny hole then the key. Something must be hiding in here, or Shane must be playing a trick on Ryan. 

He shoved the tiny key into the hole. Click! Ryan set the key down. He rotated the door handle. The door opened slowly. It was pretty big for a closet, and pretty dark. Ryan pulled his phone from his jean's pocket, and quickly turned the flashlight mode on. 

To his surprise, this closet could be a bedroom. It was huge, even huge enough for Shane! Ryan moved his phone around the room, lighting his path. As he got further into the closet, the light reflected off something. Something strange. As Ryan got closer and closer, he could make out a shape.


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