Ryan Bergara

885 32 4

"I'm listening,"

Ryan walked over to Shane, his lip quivering. He sat on the end of Shane's bed and looked over at his pal. He took a breath before speaking just before he felt something icy slip around his neck. He felt fingers wrap around his neck. Ryan scratched his neck, accidentally cutting his icy skin.

The coldness went away as Ryan hesitated to speak again. How could he ever describe something paranormal to a skeptic? Would Shane even believe him? Probably not, but Shane was willing to listen to Ryan- the possessed one out of them both. 

"Are you going to tell me your gay?" Shane asked.

Ryan's eyes widen. Was this what Shane was getting out of all these wacky events that were constantly happening? He felt his cheeks heat up. 

"W-what? No, not that. T-There's something that causes all the odd events! Believe me!"

"Ryan," Shane once again narrowed his eyes, giving out a sigh as he pulled Ryan into a hug. 

Ryan felt his cheeks heat up once again, giving him the only option but to look away from Shane. He didn't ever want Shane to see him like this.

"What do you want, Shane?" Ryan snapped, pushing Shane away. Around Ryan, the room started to fade into darkness. Shit.

"I saw you last night spo-" 

Shane's voice got cut off. All Ryan heard was a buzzing in his head, like a bee was stuck somewhere in the darkness Ryan could only see. He felt lonely like this. Ryan sighed in his mind thinking about what this will do to their friendship. Ryan knew it. Now how was Ryan going to tell Shane what is actually happening and how he truly feels? Thinking about feelings, Ryan couldn't feel anything. He felt like nothing- like a mistake. But he wasn't, was he? 

Ryan shut his eyes and gripped his hands into a fist. Surely this thing wasn't as strong, he could easily fight this off! With all his might, Ryan swung his arms and kicked his feet, trying to free himself and take control. But in the end, it felt as if nothing was helping him free himself. It was truly him all by himself, trying to save himself. 

Feeling weak, he gave up hope. He felt suicidal. Maybe if he just killed himself, this would be over-no! Ryan would never kill himself, but would his problems all be solved if he died? Is this a perk to being dead?

"Ryan! Listen to me!"

As if he just arisen from the dead, he felt the sun heating his skin up. Ryan opened his eyes back open and to his surprise, Shane hovered over Ryan, looking horrible. He studied Shane's face: blood and cuts. There was a cut across the bridge of Shane's nose, blood was smeared on Shane's left cheek, and there was a cut still spilling out blood under Shane's right eye. What happened?

"What the hell, man? You don't just attack a friend like that!"

Attack? Is that what happened? If it really was true, then what about Ryan? Was he covered in cuts? Ryan would never attack anybody but one will, and it was the thing. 

Ryan inhaled a large amount of air, held it for a couple of seconds, and released it, huffing the warm carbon dioxide into Shane's face. Ryan stared at Shane in the eyes and opened his mouth. "Shane you don't understand!"

"No, I do understand," Shane's tone gave sign to the fact he was pissed, "I understand that you are trying to make me believe you are possessed so I can believe but that'll never-"

"SHANE!" Ryan yelled, tears of anger and betrayal formed in his eyes as he pushedShane away from him. "I was always OK with the fact you're a skeptic, but I need you to believe me!"

Ryan sat up and crossed his arms, quietly crying while looking at the ground. He uncrossed his arms after feeling a sting of pain from his hand. Shaking, he stared down at his hands to notice the blood smeared across them and a large cut on his right hand that went across his palm, starting at his thumb and ending at his pinky. 

Still shaking and crying, he looked up at Shane and saw more cuts on Shane's arms and legs. He looked at his own arms and legs and noticed the same, all still bleeding a dark-red liquid.

It was his fault this happened. It was always Ryan's fault things happen. Why can't he be forgotten or erased from the world. Ryan let this happen and now he was paying the price. It's like he sold his soul to a force invisible to him but powerful at the same time. 

Tears poured out of Ryan's eyes like the blood spilled from his actions. Ryan couldn't stop it. It felt like forever of just Ryan crying when he felt a warm hand land on his shoulder. Shane. It was Shane. Coming naturally, Ryan looked up at Shane, still crying. 

"Sh-Shane..." Ryan stuttered to find the right words. "...There's a voice in my head. It t-takes control of me e-every now and then and the worst thing is...is..."

"'Is...?'" Shane wiped the tears away from Ryan's eyes and looked at him, serious and starting to believe.

"...I can't control it..."

Silence spread across the room. The two friends made no movement that would ruin this silence. Every now and then Ryan would whimper and sniff, trying his best not to cry again. 

"So you're telling me it's true that you are possessed?"

It's true that I'm possessed? What does he mean?

"Yes," his response came out as a mumble. He nodded his head, just in case Shane didn't understand. 

Warmth spread throughout Ryan's body. He noticed Shane pulled Ryan in for a hug. Ryan wrapped his shaking arms around Shane and hugged him. To be honest, Ryan liked it a lot. He just wished they hugged more, or maybe they did many times before. Ryan just couldn't remember real well now with this thing flooding many of his thoughts. 

Shane was the first to pull away from the hug, leaving Ryan alone by himself. At the same time, they both let out a long sigh and allowed the silence to take over. Ryan looked away once again from Shane.

In the corner of his eye, Ryan noticed Shane getting up to leave which might be a good idea for Ryan too. Just like Shane, Ryan left the room and left the apartment, heading straight to work.

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